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  1. JawniHawni

    Solved Windows cannot find files in WindowsApps folder

    Oh, that's a neat program. I'll have to yoink that. And yes. Everything seems to be in working order now. At least I haven't noticed anything not working yet, but everything I came here for is now fixed.
  2. JawniHawni

    Solved Windows cannot find files in WindowsApps folder

    Alrighty! So the new account and deleting the old one seems to have done the trick! With a couple caveats though: 1: Even with the new account, some of the issues still persisted, but this time around I could re-register the apps using PowerShell to get them to work. 2: This included manually...
  3. JawniHawni

    Solved Windows cannot find files in WindowsApps folder

    Okay. I'll do a short list of things I know are still not working. Found in the WindowsApps folder: Microsoft.549981C3F5F10_3.2111.12605.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe -> Win32Bridge.Server (from what I understood, this is Cortana) Microsoft.GamingApp_2112.1001.10.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe -> XboxAppServives...
  4. JawniHawni

    Solved Windows cannot find files in WindowsApps folder

    A new face on my thread! Hurray! I went and double-checked that I'm logging in using a Microsoft account. There is a spot there that is asking me to verify my identity though. As for the store, it was there previously, but the icon was gone and nothing happened when clicking it. I did get...
  5. JawniHawni

    Solved Windows cannot find files in WindowsApps folder

    No dice. The program ran successfully, but the problems still persist. Well, to be precise, I can get to the files and folders okay, but they're owned by someone that is higher than an administrator and therefor I cannot even view who owns them. I believe thanks to that, anything I do on the...
  6. JawniHawni

    Solved Windows cannot find files in WindowsApps folder

    Okay, I did find the dll's... They are there where they are supposed to be. No issues at all. After wondering what the problem may be, I found that almost every file in the Microsoft.WindowsStore folder does not have an owner and that when trying to do anything with them you get "Access denied"...
  7. JawniHawni

    Solved Windows cannot find files in WindowsApps folder

    I gave that a shot. It didn't do anything new. While I was at it, I ran sfc and dism there too as well as tried to reset permissions with icacls, but no luck with any of those. BUT I did find something new. If I go to the Microsoft Store folder in WindowsApps and try to run it, it'll throw...
  8. JawniHawni

    Solved Windows cannot find files in WindowsApps folder

    Well, that did something, I guess? The Nvidia app launches while I'm on the Administrator account and I don't get those startup pop-up errors about the parameter being incorrect. Microsoft Store still will not open though. On my normal user/admin account the Nvidia app still wont launch though...
  9. JawniHawni

    Solved Windows cannot find files in WindowsApps folder

    Sadly nothing has changed. Store is still inaccessible and parameter errors are there.
  10. JawniHawni

    Solved Windows cannot find files in WindowsApps folder

    Good thing I had an image handy on a stick already! It did its thing. It completed successfully without any errors or fixes done.
  11. JawniHawni

    Solved Windows cannot find files in WindowsApps folder

    I tried re-registering Windows Apps using this and PowerShell and it's still giving the same errors. I did notice that some of the errors in PS say "Deployment Register operation rejected on package Microsoft.ConnectivityStore_1.1604.4.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe from: AppxBundleManifest.xml...
  12. JawniHawni

    Solved Windows cannot find files in WindowsApps folder

    Alright. Thanks for the help so far! (y)
  13. JawniHawni

    Solved Windows cannot find files in WindowsApps folder

    Neither of those helped. The errors still popup and Microsoft Store wont open. My bet is on something to do with permissions and/or the WindowsApps folder itself. Everything seems to be centered there, but I lack the know-how to do anything with that.
  14. JawniHawni

    Solved Windows cannot find files in WindowsApps folder

    Clean boot didn't work. Out of curiousity while I tackle the office and drivers, why would those two cause these issues? Some weird cross-compatibility things?
  15. JawniHawni

    Solved Windows cannot find files in WindowsApps folder

    Alrighto. Did and done all that. Upon reboots and coming back here, I got greeted with that (see screenshot). There was a second one right after that that I didn't screenshot. My Nvidia thing still reports the parameter incorrect error and Microsoft Store still doesn't open. It did try (I saw...
  16. JawniHawni

    Solved Windows cannot find files in WindowsApps folder

    For a better idea on what I mean, refer to the attached screenshots. I had first noticed this issues in regards to my Nvidia Control Center app. Whenever I try to launch it I get a "The parameter is incorrect" error with a path to where the file is. The file IS there if I just go to the...
  17. JawniHawni

    Solved Help Removing a Service and Registry Key

    I've actually been coming here for a few years for my problems and for others as well. I think my old account got pruned at some point in between forum upgrades. Thank you for all the help!
  18. JawniHawni

    Solved Help Removing a Service and Registry Key

    I think the RKHelper was bundled with a mod I installed, but I'm not 100% on it. So away it goes. Log below.
  19. JawniHawni

    Solved Help Removing a Service and Registry Key

    Aaaand here are these three. SecurityCheck by glax24 & Severnyj v. [27.10.17] WebSite: DateLog: 19.06.2019 19:57:45 Path starting: C:\Users\Big Brother\AppData\Local\Temp\SecurityCheck\SecurityCheck.exe Log directory: C:\SecurityCheck\ IsAdmin: True User: Big Brother...
  20. JawniHawni

    Solved Help Removing a Service and Registry Key

    Phew. Finally done. Here's the ESET log. Everything seems to be going smoothly again. I dont see any EasyMedian stuff anymore and my searches aren't being changed to Yahoo. Nice.