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  1. T

    Solved Frequent FPS drops, no fluency browsing windows, USB ports/(mobo?) restarting randomly

    As we've arrived to a conclusion. I'd ask mods to close the topic please. Thanks to all of you for your time, see you guys!
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    Solved Frequent FPS drops, no fluency browsing windows, USB ports/(mobo?) restarting randomly

    So today I've borrowed an 1050 Ti from my friend's PC. There are no drops, no stuttering, everything runs smooth. Is there anything I can do with my card besides replacing it?
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    Solved Frequent FPS drops, no fluency browsing windows, USB ports/(mobo?) restarting randomly

    So I've applied all the fixes, didn't help. What can be seen is that the higher i put game details, spikes get more severe. What is strange, and maybe a good info is that my PC doesnt seem to stutter while on epic settings, not counting the drops. Tested on Fortnite low res/settings and epic...
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    Solved Frequent FPS drops, no fluency browsing windows, USB ports/(mobo?) restarting randomly

    BIOS is up to date Those drops happen in every game I play, yet it goes less often in League of Legends, and all the time in any FPS i play (Apex, Fortnite, Call of Duty) Something else starts to happen. While there's any loading e.g. game goes from lobby into the match, sometimes i get the...
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    Solved Frequent FPS drops, no fluency browsing windows, USB ports/(mobo?) restarting randomly

    The clean boot didnt improve anything, the issue still persists. The components are not, nor ever been overclocked
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    Solved Frequent FPS drops, no fluency browsing windows, USB ports/(mobo?) restarting randomly

    Problem's still on, I really have no idea what's happening. My fps greatly improved, but drops do happen frequently and I'm excluded from gaming for now
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    Solved Frequent FPS drops, no fluency browsing windows, USB ports/(mobo?) restarting randomly

    It's a Silentium Fortis 3 radiator with a 120mm fan attached
  8. T

    Solved Frequent FPS drops, no fluency browsing windows, USB ports/(mobo?) restarting randomly

    Bump. This problem is making me really upset :sleep:
  9. T

    Thank you guys <3

    Thank you guys <3
  10. T

    Solved Frequent FPS drops, no fluency browsing windows, USB ports/(mobo?) restarting randomly

    @DOUGIE I'm still experiencing those drops, yet they are less frequent, during less time while some large scale battle happens. The temperature goes between 57-62 on League of Legends while in Fortnite it keeps it's cool at 46. Mobo has the most actual drivers I could find. I am wondering what...
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    Solved Frequent FPS drops, no fluency browsing windows, USB ports/(mobo?) restarting randomly

    @DOUGIE Such a simple thing did so much damage, surprising. Games run smoothly, I am going to observe the shutting USB though, hopefully the fix worked aswell for those. Thank you very much for your help, much appreciated. Cheers!
  12. T

    Solved Frequent FPS drops, no fluency browsing windows, USB ports/(mobo?) restarting randomly

    Mobo section: CPU CORE 1.384 V MEMORY CONTROLLER 1.776 V AVCC 3.360 V 3VCC 3.344 V VIN4 1.600 V VIN5 1.712 V VIN6 0.848 V Graphics section: Manufacturer NVIDIA Model GeForce GTX 970 Device ID 10DE-13C2 Revision A2 Subvendor MSI (1462) Current Performance...
  13. T

    Solved Frequent FPS drops, no fluency browsing windows, USB ports/(mobo?) restarting randomly

    Hey there! As stated in the topic, I have frequent FPS drops, each few minutes FPS drops from 240 to 20 during 10-15 seconds. Also few times a day my USB ports shut down for a second like the mobo wouldn't get enough of the electricity. Fresh Windows 10 with all drivers up to date, antivirus...