PC slows to a halt, disk transfers stop, internet stops

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Ok, I think that a windows update slipped in and changed a couple settings we made.

So do this:
Open elevated command:
Copy this and paste:
powershell -Command "irm https://christitus.com/win | iex"

Hit enter.

Go to updates tab click security settings.
Go to Tweaks make sure these are ticked.

Then click Run Tweaks, allow it to complete then close it.

Then re-download and run the batch file i created for you, as administrator.

Make Certain to Reboot the machine after the batch file runs.

This will recreate the error.

Settings: SystemSettings.exe
The system detected an overun of a stack-based buffer in this application.
This overrun could potentially allow a malicious user to gain control of this application.

So you will want to run:
%userprofile%\Desktop\blackbird.exe -i -l
Again and reboot.

This will prevent windows from reverting any changes we made, it will now only install security patches.
The copying part of FreeFileSync is performing the same as before - slowing down to 0 bytes/sec and then back up to around maybe 5MB/s max, but sticking at 0 bytes/sec for at least ten seconds, and this is while copying a file that is several GB in size, so not loads of little files (at this point in time).
Thank you very much, I am running the Tweaks part now, it is on Disk Clean up at the moment, I will follow the rest of your instructions and get back to you, many thanks!
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Hi, I've run
%userprofile%\Desktop\blackbird.exe -i -l
and rebooted, and I can now view the Network Settings without the error message coming up,
Okay, I will run it again with just -i.
I have just started trying SyncBackFree, as an alternative to FreeFileSync - in Task Manager, I am seeing a huge difference - Average Response Time on the hard drives (spinning discs, 8TB) is 3-4 ms - when using FreeFileSync, I was constantly seeing 1,000 ms to 4,000 ms or longer Average Response Time.
I'm just running a simulation with SyncBackFree, I'll reboot as soon as it's done and post back here, thank you so much for your help.
Oh crap. I read that wrong. I apologize, I thought you said you still had the error. 😂

So overall how is the machine doing?
Can you post a new PCHF log, and if Onedrive is still active, there is an option to remove in the PCHF tool.
Hi, I have attached the new PCHF log, and I've used the option to remove OneDrive.
I have just started running FreeFileSync again on my 8TB drive with 480GB of data to copy, I will reply in a few minutes when I've seen how it's doing.


FreeFileSync has slowed down after ten minutes, to 0 bytes/sec, Average Response Time changes from 0 ms to 30,000 ms, 7,000 ms, and back to 0 ms. Even after quitting FreeFileSync (having pressed the 'Stop' button, and it ended the process correctly) the N: drive is still at 100% Active Time, Average Response Time is 0ms, changing to 5000 ms, write speed 2MB/s up to 12MB/s - but nothing should be being written to it now! Very odd.
I may try using SyncBackFree, and see if that has the same problems as FreeFileSync.
I am also wondering if I should try hardware related changes - i.e. I could disconnect four of my six HDDs and try to do a FreeFileSync between the remaining two drives, as I've had problems (over ten years ago) when I had a hard drive which prevented my PC from booting up (it wasn't the boot drive) until I disconnected it. I could also try disconnecting my two spanned M.2 NVME drives which are in the PCIe card, maybe they are causing problems.
And I am thinking of temporarily removing the 250GB M.2 NVME Windows drive, and putting in a spare 500GB M.2 NVME drive I have lying around, and install Windows 10 from scratch onto that, then run FreeFileSync and see if I still have the same problems, which would only take me an hour.
Temperarily uninstall Nord VPN and see how things go.

Use Edge Block

Right click your task bar at the bottom
Select task manager.
Right click and disable.


Download and run the batch file below.

Reboot the machine after disable of startups and running the batch.

When you are trying to back up disable Defender and see if that helps.

And what you say in post #35 give it a go and see how things turn out. (y)


I've done everything and rebooted, now FreeFileSync appears to be working much better - I am getting at least 30MB/s on my F: and G: drives, and currently 100MB/s on my H: and I: drives (all are 8TB HDDs - F is backed up to G, and H is backed up to I). No slow downs to 0 MB/s, and no problems with the internet stopping, and no apparent problems with other programs freezing either. Could it be Defender? Could it be checking every single file I'm copying from drive to drive, and thus slowing it all down?
Not sure about that, I do know it would be simple to just disable it when you do backups, that is a simple click of a button now. Edge Also chews ram....

Which of these apps do you actually use, we could free up some more system resources by removing the ones you do not use with a batch file, pick the ones you want to keep.

Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.0 2.1810.18004.0
Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.1.7 1.7.25531.0
Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.1.7 1.7.25531.0
Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider 12.50.6001.0
Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.1 2.1.26424.0
Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.1 2.1.26424.0
Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.2.1 2.1.27427.0
Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.2.1 2.1.27427.0
Microsoft.WindowsAlarms 10.1906.2182.0
Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay 1.17.29001.0
Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay 1.46.11001.0
Microsoft.XboxApp 48.49.31001.0
Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI 1.23.28002.0
Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder 10.1906.1972.0
Microsoft.WindowsMaps 5.1906.1972.0
Microsoft.WindowsCalculator 10.1906.55.0
Microsoft.ScreenSketch 10.1907.2471.0
Microsoft.People 10.1902.633.0
Microsoft.Office.OneNote 16001.12026.20112.0
Microsoft.MSPaint 6.1907.29027.0
Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection 4.4.8204.0
Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub 18.1903.1152.0
Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.2 2000.802.31.0
Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.2 2000.802.31.0
Microsoft.LanguageExperiencePacken-GB 19041.53.185.0
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.8 8.2310.30001.0
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.8 8.2310.30001.0
Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.2 2.2.28604.0
Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.2 2.2.28604.0
Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.2.2 2.2.29512.0
Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.2.2 2.2.29512.0
Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00 14.0.33519.0
Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00 14.0.33519.0
Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDesktop 14.0.33728.0
Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDesktop 14.0.33728.0
Microsoft.WebMediaExtensions 1.1.1295.0
Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.5 5001.159.55.0
Microsoft.WebpImageExtension 1.1.1711.0
Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.5 5001.178.1908.0
Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.5 5001.214.1843.0
PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9 3.9.3568.0
Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.4 4000.1309.2056.0
Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.4 4000.1309.2056.0
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7 7.2409.9001.0
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7 7.2409.9001.0
Microsoft.Getstarted 10.2312.1.0
Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.5 5001.275.500.0
Microsoft.GetHelp 10.2409.22951.0
Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller 1.24.25200.0
Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.5 5001.311.2039.0
Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.5 5001.311.2039.0
Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp 22410.1401.0.0
Microsoft.WindowsStore 22411.1401.5.0
Microsoft.Windows.Photos 2024.11120.5010.0
Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.6 6000.318.2304.0
Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.6 6000.318.2304.0
NVIDIACorp.NVIDIAControlPanel 8.1.967.0
Microsoft.Services.Store.Engagement 10.0.18101.0
Microsoft.Services.Store.Engagement 10.0.18101.0
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