Recent content by Zboogie

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  1. Zboogie

    High temperature Nvidia Gtx 1060 3 Gb.

    Yes,just for monitoring..I dont have any overclock on my gpu or cpu.
  2. Zboogie

    High temperature Nvidia Gtx 1060 3 Gb.

    I don't have any overclock on gpu,just check my temp..
  3. Zboogie

    High temperature Nvidia Gtx 1060 3 Gb.

    Hardware Monitor,Msi Afterburner and Evga Precision...
  4. Zboogie

    High temperature Nvidia Gtx 1060 3 Gb. Without any games runs,just Chrome. With Far Cry 5 after 2 mins...after i close the game temp is going at 40*C very fast!
  5. Zboogie

    High temperature Nvidia Gtx 1060 3 Gb.

    Cpu I5 4460k,Gpu nvidia gtx 1060 3bg,8 Gb ram 1600 mhz,Asus h-81 gamer. source njoy 650w 80gold and 120 gb u700 ssd + hdd wt blue 1tb.
  6. Zboogie

    High temperature Nvidia Gtx 1060 3 Gb.

    Hello everyone! I have an nvidia gtx 1060 3gb,and when i'm playing games reach 96°C,can someone tell me why? All fans working,termal paste is changed!