Recent content by Th3_l

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  1. Th3_l

    Solved Everything spiking when playing games such as watch dogs 2

    Oh, there's nothing on the HDD that's of importance, I have no need for it. Apart from that though, everything is running well now, so thank you 😃
  2. Th3_l

    Solved Everything spiking when playing games such as watch dogs 2

    what should I do with the HDD?
  3. Th3_l

    Solved Everything spiking when playing games such as watch dogs 2

    It was left on - "automatically manage paging file size for all devices" Not that ive noticed, only watch dogs although I do understand that wd is cpu intensive - is the cpu reaching 100% a problem? should i turn some settings down
  4. Th3_l

    Solved Everything spiking when playing games such as watch dogs 2

    I tried watch dogs 2 - it didnt freeze at all / no stutters at all. I played roblox, no stutters either / no freezing. I was even able to tab out of watch dogs 2 and noticed the ssd didnt reach 100% constantly. Only thing is that the cpu seems to reach 100% when playing wd2, and my keyboard...
  5. Th3_l

    Solved Everything spiking when playing games such as watch dogs 2

    I have removed the hdd now
  6. Th3_l

    Solved Everything spiking when playing games such as watch dogs 2

    Sorry to ask but, How should I do that?
  7. Th3_l

    Solved Everything spiking when playing games such as watch dogs 2

    Speccy - heres me searching for *.dmp
  8. Th3_l

    Solved Everything spiking when playing games such as watch dogs 2

    There doesnt seem to be a minidump folder
  9. Th3_l

    Solved Everything spiking when playing games such as watch dogs 2

    Okay, so I've clean installed once again. I have not connected to the internet this time, and once I got into the OS, I downloaded the drivers (which i had download them onto a usb and then from there moved the files onto my pc). After that, I checked for updates and downloaded those security...
  10. Th3_l

    Solved Everything spiking when playing games such as watch dogs 2

    it's telling me that I need an internet connection, what should I do?
  11. Th3_l

    Solved Everything spiking when playing games such as watch dogs 2

    I was recording I've tried playing Roblox and watch dogs without obs open, same issues as mentioned, also same thing with freezing, the pc freezes without obs open
  12. Th3_l

    Solved Everything spiking when playing games such as watch dogs 2

    Well.... I'm still here, just.. waiting for a reply. Regarding the pc, same thing as what the video shows still. Even when watching youtube, the pc seems to freeze for a second or two and then resume - it also plays a loud noise while it freezes.
  13. Th3_l

    Solved Everything spiking when playing games such as watch dogs 2

    - Heres a new video of me trying to play Roblox and watch dogs 2. SSD still going to 100% usage