Recent content by Sorach1990

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  1. S

    Solved New high end pc problems with internet

    everything seems to work fine again after restoring windows. Internet seems to be normal again, it might have been some sort of issue with my provider thanks alot for all the help!!
  2. S

    Solved New high end pc problems with internet

    thanks guys will check out the guid you suggested!
  3. S

    thanks man glad to be here

    thanks man glad to be here
  4. S

    Solved New high end pc problems with internet

    Push. Restort windows + win update it works again. Only problem I have is that somehow I cant watch twitch streams on high quality even though my internet is really really good 300/300 on any suggestions/help of fixing that?
  5. S

    Solved New high end pc problems with internet

    hey first time posting here. so I have to problem that some things cant be displayed in all browsers I tried (chrome, edge and Firefox). this is what it looks like plus one some sites I get this message now I already restored firewall to default and resetet my networks didnt help. I was...