Recent content by Pyro

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  1. P

    GPU Upgrade not what i expected.

    Was the HDD plugged in when you installed windows? Sometimes it will write some system files or something of the sort to additional drives. Furthermore- did the HDD ever have Windows built on it?
  2. P

    GPU Upgrade not what i expected.

    A fantastic PSU, I use the same one in my current rig. Is that a front panel port or in the back with the motherboard?
  3. P

    GPU Upgrade not what i expected.

    A minimum of a 700W 80+ Gold PSU is required. A PSU is a place where overbuying is okay, it's better to leave yourself a bit of headroom as opposed to just skating by the line. This is a great resource for comparing the units available to you/in your region- nothing short of an A-Tier unit...
  4. P

    GPU Upgrade not what i expected.

    I'm with Phill, that is a junk PSU and needs to be replaced immediately before we pursue any other troubleshooting that could cause damage. Post the exact model of GPU that way we can determine your required PSU.
  5. P

    help please.. losing hope haha

    What CPU cooler are you using? Let's get some more information: Download and run the free version of speccy. Once you have ran speccy, publish the scan by going to: File > Publish Snapshot. Please list your power supply unit (manufacturer and model)
  6. P

    Black screen and game crash

    Did you ever run DDU? Did you try the steps I laid out in Post #24?
  7. P

    Mouse lagging

    Junk tier PSU, I would work on replacing that immediately with a 650W 80+ Gold Unit- it poses a risk to your entire system.
  8. P

    Mouse lagging

    Please list your exact model of PSU. ------------------------------------ Run DDU and download a fresh installer executable from here. An important note: You MUST download the driver executable and disconnect your computer from the internet before running DDU, otherwise Windows will...
  9. P

    Mouse lagging

    Do you have another HDMI cord to test with?
  10. P

    Looking for help, pc for my 10year old

    That "Xum" machine seems to fumble on itself- does it have a 4080 or integrated graphics- I say it's a scam at that pricepoint (Esports gamers don't use integrated graphics). Looking into a business class tower and throwing an ad-in GPU would be a much better use of money than buying any of...
  11. P

    new motherboard

    One is white the other is black, just order whichever one fits your aesthetic and budget and forget about it. Internal and external headers are almost identical- both boards are from the same manufacturer at the same price point.
  12. P

    Mouse lagging

    Do you have another display card to test with?
  13. P

    Need help with PC case fans

    I'm always in favor of Arctic products- they're a great company with great products at the price. As far as if it will be good enough- any name brand fan will be fine. I've had machines where there are 4 or 5 different brands/models of fans running off splitters and it doesn't make a...
  14. P

    Black screen and game crash

    48℃ at idle/Speccy is a little warm, have you monitored your temps leading up to the crash? This is my laundry list, it's a good starting point for troubleshooting and should get you an idea what's going on, none of these should impact a warranty claim: 1. Try running the following programs...
  15. P

    Mouse lagging

    Does your GPU have x2 DP out? That could be worth testing.