
  • Hi there and welcome to PC Help Forum (PCHF), a more effective way to get the Tech Support you need!
    We have Experts in all areas of Tech, including Malware Removal, Crash Fixing and BSOD's , Microsoft Windows, Computer DIY and PC Hardware, Networking, Gaming, Tablets and iPads, General and Specific Software Support and so much more.

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My name is Luth, and I resurrected PCHF back in January of 2015. I am A+ and N+ Certified with 12 years of computer repair experience under my belt. I do everything from administer web servers to repair infrastructures.

I love my job. I have loved every moment of rebuilding PCHF to its former glory, and I will continue to love every minute more of doing so.



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I created back in January of 2015, with the sole intention of having it become what once was, a great support forum that's 100% free.

