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Recent content by Nik9285

  1. Nik9285

    HP laptop converted to Chromebook

    F11 won't load when I've tried it, I hit it but still moves onto the cloud ready screen
  2. Nik9285

    HP laptop converted to Chromebook

    It's not liking it at all. I think it's just done!! Any ideas how I could open an exe file on a chromebook or anyways round it to get it on ym chromebook?
  3. Nik9285

    HP laptop converted to Chromebook

    Yeah I could give it a go. Yeah I've got a USB stick too
  4. Nik9285

    HP laptop converted to Chromebook

  5. Nik9285

    HP laptop converted to Chromebook

    Thought it was easier to send that with all the information. I appreciate the help - all I need window for is downloading an exe file as my new Chromebook doesn't read they files
  6. Nik9285

    HP laptop converted to Chromebook

    I was given it from somebody who have converted it to a chromebook, its comes up cloudready if that helps (sorry I'm not great with technology). There's nothing that needs saved on there. S/N 5CD14028RZ
  7. Nik9285

    HP laptop converted to Chromebook

    Hey, yeah
  8. Nik9285

    HP laptop converted to Chromebook

    I have a HP laptop that was converted to a Chromebook. How can I factory reset it? I've tried googling it but every process I follow there seems to be options missing from menus. Thanks