Windows 7 HP Laptop - turns itself off after 5 seconds

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PCHF Member
Oct 1, 2017
Hi my laptop suddenly shuts itself off a few seconds after I have turned it on. I have had this happen on a laptop I've had in the past and was able to solve it by removing the battery, then holding the power button for a minute or so.

The problem is this laptop doesn't have a power button - it has a sliding switch that springs back once it's used. So I have no way to hold the power for an elongated amount of time. Any ideas?
What happens if you just hold the power sliding switch in the on position.

What is the model of the HP

EDIT: Can you access Safe Mode and does it still shut off then as well?
What happens if you just hold the power sliding switch in the on position.

What is the model of the HP

EDIT: Can you access Safe Mode and does it still shut off then as well?

Hi if I hold the switch it just stays in place until I let go then springs back. I really dont know what marketing idiot decided yeah lets revolutionise the power button and make it a slider rather than a button. Just utterly pointless design for the sake of design.

How can I access safe mode? Theres a message at the bottom of the screen when I turn it on, it says something about press F3 to.... - but I cant read the message because it switches itself off too quickly. As far as I am aware, this message has always displayed even when the laptop was fully working.
When you power on the system and before the Windows splash screen comes on tap the F8 key

Some one probably had a fit since they would hit the power button and it would shut off and their data was gone from that four hour report that they never hit save on.

I remember that there were several systems that had the slide power switch. It has been several years since I have seen on.
nope cant get on safe mode. Laptop immediately shuts itself down. Im so angry. Why make a laptop with a stupid switch instead of a power button FFS!!!
How old is the laptop?

Do you have a different power cord that you can use?
Had one that did the same thing once I replaced the power cord it was fine.

When was the last time you cleaned the dust from the system?

Did you make any changes to the BIOS?

When attempting to get into safe mode what happens?

How far does it get?

Is this happening with just the battery connected?
Just the Power not battery?
Power with Battery?
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