Upgrading Computer Storage

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PCHF Member
Jan 5, 2022
I am looking into upgrading an HP ENVY Phoenix 810-135qe by installing an SK Hynix Gold S31 1TB SATA 2.5 inch Internal SSD
because the HDD that came with the computer seems to be slowing down significantly.
I'm posting this to ask whether the SSDs I'm considering would be compatible with my PC or not.
I'm not the most knowledgeable person in terms of hardware and tend to overthink/overcomplicate things...

I'm thinking of getting another SSD, an ADATA SU760 512GB 3D NAND 2.5 Inch SATA III Internal SSD to clone the current HDD to better run the OS.
I'm a bit worried it will cause problems for my programs to find needed files, as the HDD that came with my Computer not only holds WindowsOS but holds most files & programs as well.
Maybe wiping the HDD would be okay afterward and all programs would be fine?
Guess I'd just have to set the default device for new Programs & Files as the new 1TB SSD.

Any help is appreciated,
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