Toshiba Satellite wont start up with battery

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PCHF Member
Feb 5, 2017
My Toshiba Satellite L50-B-1nx wont power up or wake up with the battery inserted. It can start up without the battery as long as the ac adapter is inserted.
Once it is on it works with the battery and without it. It shows the charging LED however it says there is no battery detected and it wont charge.
I bought a new battery however nothing changed
Try this..
1. Disconnect laptop from power cord
2. Take out battery
3. Hold power button for 30 seconds
4. Put battery back
5. Connect to power cord
6. You can see that the orange light is on
7. Press power button to boot up laptop.
Yes Ive tried powering it off, holding the power button for different amounts of time but nothing changes
It sounds like it might be a defective component. I'm going to tag @Madmatt2006 because he does repairs on components and he might be able to pinpoint the exact component that's causing the issue :)
I'd check the pins the the battery connects to in the battery compartment are any of them bent or broken?
I'd try cleaning them with isopropyl alcohol and a cotton bud, make sure power is disconnected when you clean them! also are you using original power adapter?
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