Solved Power Supply and connector?

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PCHF Member
Oct 10, 2020
Ok,so when I first got this computer I had no idea about them. It is a fairly basic computer and I have a Radeon RX 560 graphics card but we were never able to properly put it into my computer because I don't have a high enough watt power supply for it. Now a year later I finally have a loose knowledge of computers and I want to buy a power supply and connectors for it so I can finally use the graphics card. The requirements say I need a 400W power supply with at least 1 1x6 pin PCI-E power connector, I have found what I think are those 2 things (except the power supply is actually 500W). Can someone tell me if this is what I need and if not can you help me find the actual things I need to buy? This is the power supply. This is the connector.
according to the Radeon site, the RX560 requires a 450watt power supply.
so get something 600 or above. you want to leave room for future proofing and to allow the PSU to not run too high or too low.
that one you link to also comes with the connector required to plug into the RX560, it's the PCI 6+2 one mentioned.
so look for that connector when buying the PSU, but they have been standard for ages so you should have no worries on that front.
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I have a Radeon RX 560 graphics card
The requirements say I need a 400W power supply with at least 1 1x6 pin PCI-E power connector

Can I ask what the brand and model name or number of the GPU is, as Bruce mentions an RX 560 requires the system to be powered by a minimum of a good quality brand 450W or above PSU but being that the RX 560 itself does not require a lot of power they do not normally require any supplemental power dongle from the PSU as they get what they need direct from the PCI-E slot on the MB.

Sack the Thermaltake PSU as well, they are not a good brand at the best of times but the white versions are bottom end, an example of what to go for, best value and covered by a 5yr warranty is the Seasonic here

Please note that before making any purchase, measure the dimensions of the present PSU and check them against those of any potential replacement PSU, we do not know what type of case you have so cannot check for you.
Can I ask what the brand and model name or number of the GPU is, as Bruce mentions an RX 560 requires the system to be powered by a minimum of a good quality brand 450W or above PSU but being that the RX 560 itself does not require a lot of power they do not normally require any supplemental power dongle from the PSU as they get what they need direct from the PCI-E slot on the MB.

Sack the Thermaltake PSU as well, they are not a good brand at the best of times but the white versions are bottom end, an example of what to go for, best value and covered by a 5yr warranty is the Seasonic here

Please note that before making any purchase, measure the dimensions of the present PSU and check them against those of any potential replacement PSU, we do not know what type of case you have so cannot check for you.
Hey sorry i didnt see this, it all worked out just fine but the graphics card I have is kinda tweaking a little with my computer (Overriding my onboard graphics so it wont display on my monitor) and we are trying to do some fixing with that now. The PSU fit perfectly and i only needed a pin adapter for the 24 pin.
Idk how to conclude this thread but it all worked out, I just needed a pin adapter for the 24 pin.
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