Solved PC freezing in games amongst other issues

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PCHF Member
Nov 17, 2020
Hi Everyone,

I really hope someone can help me as I'm getting really frustrated over this issue. I think the first thing to mention is that I've only been having issues over the past couple weeks, but initially I noticed when playing games my PC freezes spontaneously. It's odd because somedays it won't do it at all and I'll be fine running ultra settings in 1440p, yet other days I'll keep having this freezing issue where everything locks up for about 10 seconds and finally catches up and I'm able to keep playing.

Since digging into this more I've also noticed some other weird issues alongside, primarily with my keyboard. For some reason, it disconnects when in-game and I have to unplug it and replug it in to bring it back to life. I play with a controller so it's not the end of the world, but this had not happened before. Then yesterday I noticed that keys on the keyboard are not registering as they should. For instance, I'll type 1 to 10 and i'll end up with "1237810" (i.e inputs are missing). This obviously isnt right and means any game I use the keyboard, I can't play anymore.

Finally, every now and again my audio just cuts out, similar to the freezing lasts about 10 seconds and then comes back.

In summary here are the issues I've been encountering
  • Freezing spontaneously/randomly in games
  • The keyboard disconnects randomly and doesn't register key inputs
  • Audio cuts out randomly in games.
  • Generally slow outside of the game window when games running
For clarity, when not running games the PC runs perfectly, none of the issues I've listed above have been a problem.

Here's what I've tried so far to resolve the issue, but I'm really not diagnostic savvy so not really sure what I need to do.

  • Reinstalled Nvidia drivers with DDU in safe mode
  • Updated windows 10 & drivers through windows update
  • Went into settings to stop USB ports from putting devices to sleep to save power
  • Changed power settings to "High performance"
  • Ran Windows memory diagnostic
  • Tried different keyboard
If anyone has any ideas or could look into some data exports or something to be able to identify an issue I would be extremely grateful as this issue is really putting me down.

Here's my system & monitors in case that's related. The PC is just over a year old, but the GPU, PSU and 1440p monitor are brand new:

AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
RTX 3070 FE
Gigabyte X570 GAMING X
16GB Corsair VENGEANCE DDR4 2400MHz (2 x 8GB)
500GB Samsung SSD
1TB Seagate HDD
Corsair CV650 PSU

ASUS TUF 1440p @ 144hz + GSYNC (main)
Iiyama 1080p @ 60hz (secondary)
Also to add as I'm not sure I made it clear, all the issues above have started since I upgraded my PSU (Corsair CV650) and GPU (RTX 3070), prior to that I wasn't having any issues but was only running games in low-medium settings.
Hello austinhedrich,

You have gone to the time, trouble and great expense to put together a really nice rig with the one exception and this one exception is by far the most important component of any build, you have gone cheap on the PSU which if you are not careful could damage your other hardware, the GPU being the most demanding power wise tends to be damaged first and the most.

Corsair CV650 PSU

CV = Corsair Value and because they are made with those on a budget in mind as in those who are building an office or school type build that only has either an entry level add on GPU or integrated graphics.

For your build you must have something with a minimum of a Gold efficiency rating and the unit must be from a top brand such as Corsair **
EVGA or Seasonic.

Which power supply do you need?

** Corsair btw have a tutorial for the RTX range of GPUs, see here
Hello austinhedrich,

You have gone to the time, trouble and great expense to put together a really nice rig with the one exception and this one exception is by far the most important component of any build, you have gone cheap on the PSU which if you are not careful could damage your other hardware, the GPU being the most demanding power wise tends to be damaged first and the most.

CV = Corsair Value and because they are made with those on a budget in mind as in those who are building an office or school type build that only has either an entry level add on GPU or integrated graphics.

For your build you must have something with a minimum of a Gold efficiency rating and the unit must be from a top brand such as Corsair **
EVGA or Seasonic.

Which power supply do you need?

** Corsair btw have a tutorial for the RTX range of GPUs, see here
Thanks for the response and fair point, I've just had a look, would this be more suitable: Corsair TX850M?

Do you think the issues listed above could be down to power supply issues then?
Good choice of PSU but did you notice the "Item due on 24 November 2020" info.

You have been using a PSU that is not appropriate for your hardware so i will refer you back to what was mentioned in my reply #3, chances are that things will be fine but I never over commit myself and will only ever bring such things to a members attention.

if you are not careful could damage your other hardware, the GPU being the most demanding power wise tends to be damaged first and the most.
Good choice of PSU but did you notice the "Item due on 24 November 2020" info.

You have been using a PSU that is not appropriate for your hardware so i will refer you back to what was mentioned in my reply #3, chances are that things will be fine but I never over commit myself and will only ever bring such things to a members attention.

Hi Philpower, yesterday I swapped out the power supply as recommended, and it seems that the issues have gone away. It's still early days and previously it was spontaneous, but looks like it could have just been a PSU issue.

Thanks very much for your help, and equally feeling better that I've now got a PSU which is less likely to damage my PC.
Hello austinhedrich,

Thank you for your update which I am pleased to say suggests you have resolved the issue, well done (y)

If not done already, create a new system restore point for the now stable settings.

We will leave your thread open for a couple of days yet and while we do let us know if you would like some info on testing out your hardware now you have an appropriate PSU.
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