My PC doesn't restart or shutdown

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PCHF Member
Jun 19, 2021
When i try to shutdown my pc it goes through the usal procedure but after my monitors turn off and lose signal the pc just stops the shutdown or restart, (lights and fans are still on) my only option is to hold the power button down. Ive tried a full factory reset but still had the same issues so i thought it was probably a hardware fault but im not certain.

Any help or suggestion would greatly appreciated as i can't install updates or drivers as I have to force shutdown when restarting.

Speccy link if it helps -
Part of you problem is the crap ware snake oil you have installed
Driver Booster Scheduler
Driver Booster SkipUAC (edwar)
Driver Booster Update

You shouldn't use any "Driver Updater" programs. These kind of programs are completely useless on top of being harmful. If you need to download drivers for a device, download them straight from that computer manufacturer website or the device manufacturer website. This will ensure that you have legitimate and working drivers.

Read through here.

Where did the install media come from that you used to reinstall Windows?

You did install the chipset driver first then the system drivers in the proper order?
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