My laptop shuts down after it falls below 40% to 30% Battery

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PCHF Member
Dec 5, 2018
Processor: Intel Core i3-5005U 2.00Ghz
Ram: 4 GB
System type :64x
PROBLEM: This started happening not while ago.After falling below 35% PC started shutting down whit out any warning. After that it can't start up whiteout charger being plugged in.
This resulted in huge loss of work as noting could be saved before shutting down. PC is set never to go to sleep as I was thinking this was a problem. Also, to mention it gets slightly hotter but nothing too much , 1-3C. I ran multiple test in Win: Defender, In PRE start Hardware check up and Hp App Assistant and all of the then showed that PC is in Healthy condition and without any problems.
Pls help I will be checking answers and pls ask any questions I will check dally.
Welcome to PCHF welmorfian,

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