My computer freezes after 5-10 min when i install new RAM

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PCHF Member
Apr 4, 2020
Hi, so i recently wanted to upgrade my stationary computer from 8 gb DDR4-2400 mhz corsair Vengeance LPX with an identical copy to a total of 16 gb of RAM. However whenever i install the new RAM my computer will recognize the two sticks and boot correctly, however after 5-10 minutes of running everything will completely freeze, to the point where i have to manually force shut my PC. I have tried looking for solution online, however i cant seem to find any in which the two RAM sticks are identical. Would really appreciate any suggestions

My specs are:
CPU: intel core i7-7700
GPU: ASUS Geforce GTX 1070
mobo: ASUS prime b250m-a
(old) Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4-2400 1.20 V version: 6.30
(new) Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4-2400 1.20 V version 6.39
PSU: Corsair CX 550

I see what you mean, the two models closest to my product are the ones above, although for both my sticks the part number is CMK8GX4M1A2400C16 and the timing is 16-16-16-39.
Does this mean i should invest in one/two new sticks that are on the QVL? im confused since my computer doesnt have any problems when im runnnig a single channel system with only 1 of the sticks installed.
Looking at the QVL for your motherboard here I do not see the memory you have installed.
View attachment 6030
I see what you mean, the two models closest to my product are the ones above, although for both my sticks the part number is CMK8GX4M1A2400C16 and the timing is 16-16-16-39.
Does this mean i should invest in two new sticks that are on the QVL? im confused since my computer doesnt have any problems when im runnnig a single channel system with only 1 of the sticks installed.
Suggestion if I may :)

Remove the original stick, insert the new stick in the same slot as the original RAM and test, if no problems, try placing the new stick in the other slots and see how that goes.
Thanks for all the suggestions i still cant seemed to have figured out a solution. However i tried running the computer with only the *new* RAM stick and the computer wont even boot up. So at this point im assuming that there is a problem with the product that i received.
If you tried the new RAM in the same slot that you normally have the other stick it would suggest either a bad stick of RAM or a compatibility issue.

Do you have a link to the new RAM that you purchased.
Its a danish website
I just realised when going back to this that the product is a (single channel) RAM. Could that be the reason im running into compatibility problems when installing the RAM in a dual channel setup?
When paired with an identical stick of RAM the two would run in dual channel and what the info at your link is telling you is that being a single stick the RAM will only work in single channel mode.

The two sticks are almost identical but not exact, the speed and voltage is the same but the Cas Latency different but tbh I`m not too sure that it would make a difference, I reckon that the RAM could be faulty but I could be wrong, return it and tell them that it would not work with your RAM and be sure to give them your exact RAM details.
When paired with an identical stick of RAM the two would run in dual channel and what the info at your link is telling you is that being a single stick the RAM will only work in single channel mode.

The two sticks are almost identical but not exact, the speed and voltage is the same but the Cas Latency different but tbh I`m not too sure that it would make a difference, I reckon that the RAM could be faulty but I could be wrong, return it and tell them that it would not work with your RAM and be sure to give them your exact RAM details.

Thanks for the help, will do :)
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