Laptop turns on as soon as i plug it in but no display appears

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PCHF Member
Apr 1, 2022
Hi i have an asus v161( all in one) pc that All of a sudden stopped working.plugging it in turns the button lights the On led and i can hear it working but the screen remains black plus the keyboard and mouse dont work on it anymore.weird thing is that the usb ports charghe my phone normally. So far i tried:
-1Removing the cmos battery and putting it again
-2 Removing the ram ,cleaning it,and put it back in
-3 pressing for 30 sec the power button to hard reset
None of this worked. Any advice is greaty appreciated please do comment if you have any tips. Thanks you!
Without that cable, I'm not sure what else you can really test.

Unless someone else has some other suggestion, maybe stop by a local shop and get a HDMI cord for further testing (they come by pretty cheap).
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try the external monitor test but really, if the screen, keyboard and mouse are all playing up, that would indicate a serious internal hardware failure.

if you deem the unit worthy, time for a visit to the local PC shop and see what they find.
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