Hard drive space almost gone cant fix pls help

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PCHF Member
Nov 16, 2017
I cant fix a problem when i download info or anything it seemingly is still in the system in cache or whatever and rt-takes up space on hard drive i have tried all what was recommended and the only thing that worked i can no longer find the free fix website also of course i cant remember wat it was called tn the long page also for some reason it is no longer there anyway i have tried before mabie here and another forums and no on even replies or dont know its redic a can someone tell me what this is called and give me the link to use it I am not tec savey and no one can tell me the item to use ps ive used all you in community to use inc the useless ccleaner
I was going to suggest CCleaner, right up till I read your last sentence. :)
but considering I rate it as still one of the better ones, I'll give you the link and let you decide; https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds
other quick fixes for low space are to delete old Restore Points, turn of hibernation, empty Recycle Bin, reduce max size of Recycle Bin and pagefile and empty system and user Temp folders.
programs like CCleaner will do most of the heavy lifting for you. but there are others, like, PrivaZer and Clean Space. although CCleaner has a reputation for doing a softly, softly approach.
What windows do you have if its 10 then you may have the windows.old folder which can be 13gig tyou have to run diskclean when its done tick the box to remove system files and it will rescan and you can remove all old windows . The best tool which has never been hacked is http://uncleaner.software.informer.com/1.7/
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