In Progress Everything spiking when playing games such as watch dogs 2

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PCHF Member
Feb 2, 2025
The SSD is a Samsung 870 Evo 250gb ( I know it's low), the games installed on the HDD as it runs better there, I have disabled turbo on my CPU as the temps reached around 90° when playing (idk if that's bad but I turned it off anyways), I have a core i5-8600, I have a gtx1080, and I put the optimisation in the Nvidia app for more performance not quality. I know maybe my setup isn't the best but should it be spiking like this every time I try to play? is there anything I can do so that it doesn't?
Let’s get some specs of your system to help the initial troubleshooting.
No personal data is published and everything shown is safe.

1) Download Speccy by Piriform.
In Speccy, click File > Publish Snapshot > Copy to Clipboard > Close.
Paste that link into your post. Is Speccy safe?

2) Download MiniToolBox by Farbar.
In MTB, tick List Installed Programs, click Go then close the program.
A file MTB.txt is created in the same folder, attach that to your post.

3) No software interrogates the Power Supply Unit so list the make/model and age if this is a desktop PC.
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Some things to try;
  • change your Power Profile from Ultimate Performance to Balanced
  • you are connecting via wireless, any chance you can use an ethernet cable and connect directly to the modem/router
  • the Samsung SSD has some SMART errors - CRC Error, and Temperature Exceeded
  • the HDD has quite a few more SMART errors
Looks like Windows was reloaded a last week, was the issue happening before then, or since?
What sort of reload - fresh install keeping nothing or a repair install just reinstalling Windows and keeping personal files and settings?

To get the power supply details, you'll need to remove the side cover off the tower and look at the sticker on the power supply unit.
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The psu says corsair CV650. I can't connect wired LAN, there's no way for me currently. I performed a clean install off a usb and deleted the partitions then downloaded onto my SSD. I have changed from ultimate performance to balanced now. As of writing this, I have also got a DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION BSOD.
The CV650 is rated Tier C - Low End, see here;
That's not bad, just not good if you were a high-end gamer with a demanding GPU, so you are on the low side of good. :)

The GTX1080 has a recommended system power requirement of 500W minimum, so you should be fine on that front.

Go to Control Panel, Device Manager and look for yellow exclamation marks against entries, Speccy shows a few chipset drivers that aren't installed.

Good article here on watchdog violations;
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There isnt any yellow exclamation marks on any entry in device manager. Is this fine?
Speccy is listing these;


Would be worth going to the ASUS website and checking the motherboard chipset drivers.
Download what ASUS shows and install them.
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Is this normal?? I literally just had edge open and thats it. Is there a reason for this or is this normal?
Ive just tried playing roblox, the ssd is constantly at 100% usage. Is this normal?? Because it keeps freezing
Nope, not normal.
In Task Manager, click on Details and click the CPU column header to sort by descending order the biggest resource hog, see what is at the top.
Repeat for Memory column.

Those failed driver installs are concerning.
When they failed, what was the error message?

Let's get some more eyes on this - @PeterOz @Pyro @xrobwx71 @phillpower2
Those failed driver installs are concerning.
When they failed, what was the error message?
Before continuing we need the answer to this question.

After that, I would be interested in turning off hibernation and seeing if that helps.

Open an elevated command prompt by hitting Start, type cmd, then hit CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER

An elevated command prompt should open, in this prompt type powercfg -h off Then hit Enter.

Reboot the PC.
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there was no error message for the failed drivers, or atleast I didnt see any. Turned hibernation off, same results. Here:
My keyboard also keeps disconnecting. Keyboard only though. My mouse hasn't disconnected once at all
Actually, lets run a powershell script.

Open an elevated Powershell.

copy and paste hit Enter.

# Get the top 20 processes by CPU usage and their disk read/write
$topProcesses = Get-Process | Sort-Object CPU -Descending | Select-Object -First 20

# Retrieve disk usage information
$diskUsage = Get-CimInstance Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process |
    Where-Object { $_.Name -ne "_Total" -and $_.Name -ne "Idle" } |
    Select-Object Name, IOReadBytesPerSec, IOWriteBytesPerSec

# Combine and display results
$results = foreach ($process in $topProcesses) {
    $disk = $diskUsage | Where-Object { $_.Name -like $process.ProcessName }
        ProcessName      = $process.ProcessName
        ID              = $process.Id
        CPU             = $process.CPU
        Memory_MB       = [math]::Round($process.WorkingSet64 / 1MB, 2)
        DiskRead_KBps   = if ($disk) { [math]::Round(($disk.IOReadBytesPerSec / 1KB), 2) } else { "N/A" }
        DiskWrite_KBps  = if ($disk) { [math]::Round(($disk.IOWriteBytesPerSec / 1KB), 2) } else { "N/A" }

# Output in a formatted table
$results | Sort-Object CPU -Descending | Format-Table -AutoSize

Source ChatGPT
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