ErrorCode Nicht gefunden (404). 0x80190194| Pc is restarts

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PCHF Member
Dec 11, 2022
ErrorCode Nicht gefunden (404). 0x80190194 (-2145844844 HTTP_E_STATUS_NOT_FOUND)

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>The authority "" does not exist.</Message>

Hey I built my own pc and after a month or so it started to restart on its own, mostly when I played games, sometimes also when i was just browsing in the internet.
These are my stats:
Motherboard: TUF Gaming B550M-Plus Wifi II - ASUS
AMD Ryzen 5 5600 6-Core Processor
DRAM 2x 8 GB
BIOS ver.2803
3060 TI
( if i have forgotten something, let me know)

I already reinstalled windows 10,
I updated Bios,
I update the Chipset Drivers ,
I turned on the XMP in the BIOS,
but nothing seemed to help, I am running out of ideas, and the threads about the topics did not help me, as anyone a clue what to do?
Get System Info Log.

Include in your next reply a Get System Info log.
Save it to your desktop when complete.
Once you have the file on your desktop, then upload it here, and Here.
Copy the URL after your report is loaded.
Then send us the link.

Speccy Scan.

  • Please go here and download Speccy.
  • Install and run the program.
  • Upon Completion:
  • Hit File
  • Publish Snap Shot
  • A link will appear, post that link.

Upload your dump files.
Just a side note. From your speccy report, it appears that you have Norton and Windows Defender both running. I suggest that you use GeekUninstaller to remove norton from the computer, and then the Norton Removal tool.



I'll leave you with Phil he will get you sorted.

@phillpower2 If you do not have it, then this tool is great for translating web pages in real time. These logs are in German...

i deinstalled norton with the GeekUninstaller the Norton Removal tool, but it still crashes.
This is the PSU:
be quiet! Pure Power 11 FM 750 Watt 80+Gold, modular
Last edited by a moderator:
The PSU is not a brand that I would recommend due to their minimal five year warranty but other than that it is ok for the build, just be sure that all modular cables are secure at both ends.

Based on some of what you have post we need some clarity;

I built my own pc and after a month or so it started to restart on its own, mostly when I played games, sometimes also when i was just browsing in the internet.
i deinstalled norton with the GeekUninstaller the Norton Removal tool, but it still crashes.

Software such as Windows can crash and when it does crash you get a BSOD and when enabled a crash dmp is generated, programs or games when they crash can on occasion close to the desktop but the computer will still be 100% functional.

Hardware failure such as a weak power supply and/or overheating are not software related and when a computer for example suddenly turns off, freezes or the screen goes black etc the behaviour should be described as the "computer shut down unexpectedly" or froze etc and not as having crashed as the latter implies a software issue as opposed to an obvious hardware issue when described properly.

Having the correct info means that helpers will not be looking for a software issue when the problem is clearly hardware related.

Do you get any BSOD and subsequent Windows Stop Code, if not tell us what exactly happens.

What games are involved in the behaviour.

In addition to the above, we can see from Speccy that no system drivers have been installed and that on its own will cause big problems.

Get back to us with the answers to the two questions asked and we will go from there, a new Speccy url would also be helpful.
Hey, thank you very much for the infos so far.

I only got the BSOD very rarely, two or three times out of ~30 shutdowns so far. If it comes up again I will check for the stop code though. Normally when I start the game V-Rising, after 1-2 minutes the screen goes black and my pc shuts down and restarts on its own immediatelly. In addition, sometimes but really not that often, my pc shuts down even when I'm not running a game, but just surfing the internet. I built my pc about one month ago and I haven't had this problem until one week ago. I haven't had this problem with other games so far though I haven't played them for more then 10 minutes cause I just wanted to check if my pc shuts down as well as quickly as it does with v-rising. This problem appeard from one day to another without me changing anything knowingly. When I check the Event Viewer it always shows me these two errors at the time of the shutdown:


Fehler bei der Initialisierung der SCEP-Zertifikatregistrierung für WORKGROUP\DESKTOP-JSQU8B1$ über

GetCACaps: Not Found
{"Message":"The authority \"\" does not exist."}
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 18:30:30 GMT
Content-Length: 121
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000;includeSubDomains
x-ms-request-id: d2b88e9a-6a5b-4672-b44d-95423aa748ba

Methode: GET(218ms)
Phase: GetCACaps
Nicht gefunden (404). 0x80190194 (-2145844844 HTTP_E_STATUS_NOT_FOUND)


[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-CertificateServicesClient-CertEnroll
[ Guid] {54164045-7C50-4905-963F-E5BC1EEF0CCA}
[ EventSourceName] CertEnroll

[ Qualifiers] 49754






[ SystemTime] 2022-12-12T18:30:31.9547846Z



[ ProcessID] 10640
[ ThreadID] 0



[ UserID] S-1-5-18



MessageTextGetCACaps GetCACaps: Not Found {"Message":"The authority \"\" does not exist."} HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 18:30:30 GMT Content-Length: 121 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000;includeSubDomains x-ms-request-id: d2b88e9a-6a5b-4672-b44d-95423aa748ba



ErrorCodeNicht gefunden (404). 0x80190194 (-2145844844 HTTP_E_STATUS_NOT_FOUND)


Fehler bei der Initialisierung der SCEP-Zertifikatregistrierung für Lokales System über

GetCACaps: Not Found
{"Message":"The authority \"\" does not exist."}
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 18:30:30 GMT
Content-Length: 121
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000;includeSubDomains
x-ms-request-id: ff7cbe99-0159-48d3-9772-fc0387f8ad81

Methode: GET(312ms)
Phase: GetCACaps
Nicht gefunden (404). 0x80190194 (-2145844844 HTTP_E_STATUS_NOT_FOUND)

[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-CertificateServicesClient-CertEnroll
[ Guid] {54164045-7C50-4905-963F-E5BC1EEF0CCA}
[ EventSourceName] CertEnroll

[ Qualifiers] 49754






[ SystemTime] 2022-12-12T18:30:31.5645800Z



[ ProcessID] 10640
[ ThreadID] 0



[ UserID] S-1-5-18


ContextLokales System

MessageTextGetCACaps GetCACaps: Not Found {"Message":"The authority \"\" does not exist."} HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 18:30:30 GMT Content-Length: 121 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000;includeSubDomains x-ms-request-id: ff7cbe99-0159-48d3-9772-fc0387f8ad81



ErrorCodeNicht gefunden (404). 0x80190194 (-2145844844 HTTP_E_STATUS_NOT_FOUND)


I'm just a little bit confused about the system drivers.. Aren't those things like audio driver, graphic driver, chipset driver, etc..? Because I installed them and updated them as well. But if I'm misunderstanding something here please let me know what those are so I can install them. Nevertheless I installed the graphics driver again so let me know if there is a difference now in the new speccy upload. Thank you again for your help!

Not at home atm so can't do too much until this evening UK time.

Just briefly, forget Event Viewer, Windows is always throwing up errors and unless they are critical the errors should be left alone.

The behaviour that you describe does not sound driver related but more like overheating, the odd BSOD is most likely Windows grumbling because it is not being shut down properly, upload any crash dmps for us to check.
No worries, I'm thankfull for every help I can get.

Okay noted.

I found a .dmp file but its quite big. Even if I create a .zip file out of it it still has 255MB. Where should I upload it? Or should I just send a wetransfer link?
I downloaded WinDbg Preview in the meantime so I can open it by myself. This ---- FAILURE_ID_HASH: {00781d15-b897-afab-75cd-f83221cbf387} ---- is the code that is listed at the bottom of the report but I assume you need the whole file to know what's going on.
22.25pm I got finished so posting this then off to bed :coffee:

1. Copy any dmp files from C:\Windows\Minidump onto the desktop.
2. Select all of them, right-click on one, and click on Send To> New Compressed (zipped) Folder.
3. Upload the zip folder using the Attach button, bottom left of the dialogue input box
Okay so I wasn't able to find minidump files so I googled for a solution and apparently the memory.dmp file I found yesterday is the one we are looking for. But this is the one that has 255MB even when compressed. Catbox only allows files up to 200MB and I also tried uploading it using the attach button here in the forum but then I get the error message that the file is too big as well. /: Is there another way I can send you the file? I only know wetransfer.
Thank you very much for the fast reply! Here is the generated link:

@phillpower2 will take it from here.

I will however check a few dump files ans post the result. But that will be in a few....
Dump: MEMORY.dmp (11.12.2022 11:00:28)
Process: chrome.exe, probably caused by: ntkrnlmp.exe
Third-party modules in the Raw Stack: nvlddmkm.sys, aswVmm.sys, aswArDisk.sys
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x1E_nt!KiDispatchException

Seems that you have leftovers from Avast.

Run the removal tool found here.

Install unlocker.
Then install Everything search.
Right Click on the VoidTools application and Run As Administrator. Type Avast into the Everything Search Window.
Now Click on Edit Then Select all.
Right click highlighted items.
Select unlocker in drop down menu.
Then select delete.
Then hit ok.
Also, search for aswVmm.sys | aswArDisk.sys
One at a time with the everything search tool.
Then delete with unlocker as per previous instruction.
I installed the tools & deleted everything with the name "Avast" in it.
Then I searched for these two "aswVmm.sys | aswArDisk.sys" but couldn't find anything (screenshot below).
The third screenshot shows what I find if I type in "asw", is there anything that should be deleted?


Leave asw alone. Test the machine and let us know if there are any more crashes.
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