Computer can't find my wifi, but can find neighbours

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PCHF Member
Jul 2, 2022
Hello there,
So the other day, the council had power turned off in our area for electricity maintenance on our street. When the work was completed, I turned on the PC and for some reason now, my PC cannot find my home wifi connection. For background info, before the works started, my computer connected to it fine. No location has changed, router is in the same place, no new program or hardware changes, everything is the same as before. My PC can find neighbours wifi connection, but can't find mine anymore. I've reset the computer many times, reset the router, tried updating drivers and everything, to no avail. It just doesn't show up in the available connections list. The router isn't the problem because my xbox, playstation and our cell phones all connect to the home wifi with no problems at all (at a greater distance than the PC is located from the router).

I have no idea what to do now, and any help would be appreciated. The wifi is working on several devices with no problems, and nothing has changed other than the power being off at our property for several hours. Yet it seems to be invisible for my PC only. Windows 10. Thanks.
I would turn off the pc then turn off the router, leave it for 5 minutes then turn things on again— router first.
Is there any ! Next to the Wi-Fi adapter under device management?
Have you uninstalled the adapter then scanned for hardware changes?
Is the SSID & passphrase set to ‘Hidden’?
If your PC can see other wifi connections then your wifi device is probably ok. I would take a harder look at your router. If possible you will need to make a ethernet cable connection to the router to make sure the router is configured correctly. Electrical line spikes and hardware updates can mess with the configuration setting. Consult your router manual for the settings.
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