Changing Size of screen in Display settings

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PCHF Member
Sep 5, 2019

I've got a problem which i'm sure that i can't be the only one having it.. but i can't really find it anywhere online.. so here we go!

I've got a Television, and a Monitor, as screens for my PC.
My setup is as follows:

As any normal eye can see my left screen (television) is quite bigger then my right screen.

However here comes the problem... Resolution doesn't agree with my statement that the left screen is bigger...

It says my right screen is..
As you can also see in the display settings

So when i move my mouse from my left to right screen, it's kinda akward..
What i would want is that i can only move my mouse when it's actualy on the same height as the small screen, so i want to zoom out/enlarge the left screen in the display settings, (or make the right screen smaller.. whatever is possible) so i can set it up better.
Ofcourse without changing the resolutions.

Is there any way for me to do this?

Thanks in advance!
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