Solved Best Backup Option?

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Brandon Byrnes

PCHF Member
Jan 3, 2017
I'm planning on doing a clean install tomorrow of Windows 10. First I would like to backup some stuff, specifically apps/programs, settings, and shortcuts. Thats it, not personal files or personal data, just my apps/programs, shortcuts and settings. What is the best option for this, and what is the best (free) program for this? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
@gus @Evan Omo

These two guys know a thing or two about backups. I'm sure they will chime in when they see this thread. :)
One very good free backup program is Macrium Reflect, can do backups as well as system images.
But your problem there is you then won’t want to use that backup because you want a clean install.

Apps/software can’t be copied from one system and pasted to another, which is after all what a backup is fundamentally. Otherwise we would all be ‘copying’ apps off our friends pc. :)

Some apps will store their customised settings in your AppData folder so check there.
So basically I shouldn't even worry about a backup since I'm not using it to backup personal files and data. Just do the clean install and I'll have to install all my apps/programs individually? Unless I just use the Windows refresh option right, or something like that. Isn't there some option like that where it just keeps all your files and apps but basically cleans the system? Its been a while since I did a clean install. Usually I do a backup, wipe the drive then install Windows again, which I plan on doing this time also. And what's a good drive wiper that works on a SSD?
All depends on what you expect the outcome to be and what you are trying to eliminate.

If you wanna true clean slate, Nike it from space and start anew.
If you think a refresh is all that’s need, keeping apps and data, then do that but again, depends on why you are going down this path in the first place.

Most settings that you lose are just small customisation that can easily be redone.
Yes Macrium reflect free is good backup software as is Aomei free, and yes you should make a system image before you do a clean install. reason is there is bound to be some files you will find you want after the install, always happens.

You do not need a "drive wiper" as a clean install will do that anyway.

The only apps that can be copied to a new OS are portable ones, any installed programs will have to be reinstalled after the fresh OS install.
okay everything is done. I just ended up using my bios drive wiper to wipe the drive then I reinstalled windows and am in the process of reinstalling all my programs. But i'm running into three problems. Number one, bitdefender is blocking every single website I go to in Firefox, it wasn't doing this before the clean install, number two Office 365 is now saying my account name is not found ewven tough it was working fine before, and number three I can't get my screen resolution back to how i had it before, 4k but not hugely magnified on my tv screen. Any suggestions for these problems?
Check bitdefenfers exception/whitelist and allow Firefox.
Can you log k to your MS Office 365 account through a browser?
Have you got the latest driver for your vid card yet after the rebuild?
okay did it, bitdefenders working fine now. I can't log onto MS Office 356 account through my browser it says the account name is invalid. This is probably due to the fact that it was my school account, I am done with school, but it was working yesterday before I did the clean install, so I'm not sure what is up with that. Unless office just never did updates of account status but I'm pretty sure it does. As for the video driver I do have the latest version, I think I just have to mess around witht he settings more.
Alright I'll give them a call. So I guess that means I have no more questions, thanks for your help guys. I appreciate it. You can mark this as solved.
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