Afpaawt introduction

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PCHF Member
Nov 10, 2017
Hi all,

I'm afpaawt, 28 years old, and I go to migrate programs/apps from c:/ to d:/ on my two computers, with Easeus Todo pc trans,

I have also boot errors on my bootables usb multiboot (sardu)/linux live (xubuntu, ubuntu mate, ...) devices in common to two computer

On my desktop w10 x64 Hewlett Packard by compaq computer I try to burn with Microsoft adk on Samsung 128 gb fit usb device a recovery drive with power2go 11 freemium by cyberlink to make backup of all programs, os, etc... on this Samsung 128 usb stick, but an error message appears tells me of "fails to créate system recovery usb drive"

My two computers are infectéd


Hello Afpaawt_Crownscope, Before we assume this is a malware issue we will need some more info, and these issues may well need 2 threads as you say there are 2 computers involved?

This thread has been moved from introductions to Windows 7 because you have tagged it as such, yet you say you also have a Win10 machine with issues

For starters can you give us the specs of the 2 pc's involved, confirm what operating systems are involved, and what issues exactly, each PC is having? Then we can deal with each PC in the correct forum:)
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