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  1. BenchFox

    Graphics driver doesn't install properly

    I have recently installed Windows XP Professional SP3 32-bit on a laptop with an AMD Radeon R3 GPU. I've spent two weeks at this point trying to sort everything out. I have pretty much every other driver installed aside from the graphics adapter. When I try installing this, I get a blank...
  2. BenchFox

    Help to install Windows XP on Toshiba laptop from 2015

    Hello, I just got my hands on a somewhat old Toshiba Satellite C55D-C from 2015. It has a 128GB SSD that was fully wiped. I wanted a laptop to run, well ideally a 9x OS, but I only found drivers for XP at the oldest. That's still alright to play some games from the late '90s/early 2000s, so I...
  3. P

    Laptop pops up "no bootable device please insert boot disk"

    Its a Toshiba Satellite laptop, when turned on it pops up the message saying "no bootable device please insert disk", i went into the bios and its detecting the hdd, but keeps getting that message, the laptop had a fall some time ago so i thought it could have damaged something, so i opened the...
  4. L

    ultrabook can't recognize external monitor

    Hi, i have problem with my connection of external monitor to ultrabook via HDMI. Plugging the monitor doesn't react at all, computer just can't see it nowhere. Monitor is not visible in device manager, it can't be detect, no sound durring plugging etc... My ultrabook is Toshiba Satellite...
  5. ajshn

    Solved Toshiba Satellite C55Dt connect to external monitor with a broken screen?

    I have a Toshiba Satellite C55Dt with a currently broken cable to the screen (or something broken haven't figured it out yet). The laptop powers on and i can hear everything on, just the screen is black. I would like to hook it up to an external monitor but it isn't letting me do that. When the...
  6. CallumMcD567

    Toshiba Satellite wont start up with battery

    My Toshiba Satellite L50-B-1nx wont power up or wake up with the battery inserted. It can start up without the battery as long as the ac adapter is inserted. Once it is on it works with the battery and without it. It shows the charging LED however it says there is no battery detected and it wont...
  7. R

    Toshiba Satellite a665 screen distortion.

    I have a toshiba satellite a665 and the screen distorts when the brightness is too low. What is causing this?