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  1. D

    Solved Thinkpad E470 Keyboard Problems (spamming random key and not working properly)

    Hey everyone, I hope I've found the right place for my issue and sorry in advance for potentially writing in bad English (not native). I had an incident with my Lenovo Thinkpad E470 several months ago where I accidentally spilt some liquid over the keyboard. I hadn't been using it for a while...
  2. H

    Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga, keyboard & trackpad "disonnect" randomly

    95% of the time I start up my Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga, some event or other triggers the disonnection or disabling of the keyboard and trackpad. ONLY the touchscreen will work. SOMETIMES but not always, a message "auto rotate now disabled" will appear (even though I've disabled that setting in...