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  1. D

    pixelated/shimmering/jittery textures in EVERY game I play. Please help. [Examples provided]

    In every game I play the textures/visuals in the distance all have this shimmering/TV static effect on them and you can even see this in close distances if you look hard enough. I have been trying to fix this for a week by now and I cannot find anything that would fix this. You may want to...
  2. Im_A_Watermelon

    Flickering/weird effect on fences and other things

    While playing games recently i've noticed that certain things like Fences or wires look really weird and kinda flicker, i don't know the best way to describe it so i've linked a video i made that shows an example of it in the game L.A Noire, you can see it happening on the fence to the right and...