sd card

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  1. Brandon Byrnes

    What is the fastest 128GB MicroSD Card Available?

    This is kind of a internal hardware question, I was wondering what the fastest 128GB MicroSD Card is and can I get it on Amazon? I have a tablet that only has 32GB of internal storage so I'm looking to expand the storage, but want something that is fast. Also will windows allow me to install...
  2. T

    Micro SD HC not dectable

    Hi..i am having problem with my SD card..the card is not detect by device..i try to format but it doesnt work..i have try to clean using cmd/diskpart but not workable..anyone expert here can assist to format my sd card so that i can use it
  3. Brandon Byrnes

    Solved CrossOver Android

    I am trying to figure out how it would be possible for me to use my phone to install a windows program on its SD card and then run the program off the SD card on a PC, since i can't install anything on the PC i'm using. I saw a couple articles about this CrossOver Android app that allows you to...
  4. Brandon Byrnes

    Solved Trouble Downloading

    My phone is a ZTE N718 running Kitkat 4.4.4, I use Chrome as my browser. I would like to know how to change the download location in Chrome. It says it is saving all DL's to my phones internal storage, but i would like it to save the DL's to my SD Card. I see nothing in Chrome settings to do...