robotic sound

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  1. Gabriel Mansur

    FPS drops / Robotic sound

    Hello! I have a ideapad gaming 3i and one issue is bothering me a lot Sometimes, my games crashes, with my FPS droping to 1~10 and a robotic sound Before, it's only happened when I was playing games like warzone, *** of war 4, etc Now, that's happening with VALORANT, which never happened I...
  2. Feste

    Solved Fps drops from 60 to 5 / robotic sound

    Hey, could someone one help me with screen freezing (fps drops) and robotic sound? I have been using my dads pc when he isnt on it bcs my motherboard is broke and I have sent it for repair. It happens when I am playing games rn (GTA V, WoW), sometimes I can hear robotic voices of friends on...