operating system not found

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  1. M

    OS won't install

    Hi,I have an old laptop(HP Pavilion dv 6700) and it has an old HDD(WD Scorpio 160GB). I want to make it usable in 2022 and install an SSD and maybe run Windows 10 or Linux. The problem is when I try to install Windows(windows says it can not install on this partition),I tried everything that I...
  2. D

    Solved PC wont boot from SSD (but will when its in a laptop)

    Hey, so the problem im facing is that, my OS wont boot from my PC. The thing is I have tried alot of fixes and nothing is working. I still get the "reboot and select boot device" message. Also the SSD that has the OS on works fine when I put it into my laptop. Which means ive done the update...
  3. A

    O S not found

    Hi guys My daughters laptop a vaio PC, has been giving the dreaded operating system not found screen I can get it going ith inteenet working, but after a while it will revert back to not working screen I did not make a back up disc origanlly, but have made one now, while I have it going, (not...