network adapter ethernet

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  1. Justas

    Ethernet stuck on 1MB/s

    So, the problem is in the title but to expand on it, the problem is fixed by plugging ethernet cable into a different slot on the router. However that didn't happen today, and personally I think a part of the problem is that I can't update my internet driver, also on properties -> events there...
  2. J

    Ethernet behaving as wifi

    I brought my PC back home for the holidays and when I went to plug in my ethernet cable, it would not connect. I’ve tried a few things like resetting my modem and router, reinstalling ethernet drivers, and resetting network settings but no luck… Then I removed my wifi receiver from my PC and...
  3. I

    Unable to reinstall Internet Adapter/Drivers

    Hi all, Several months ago I was having issue with my computer and a friend suggested I delete my ethernet network driver in Network Connections, with the hope that it would resintall upon reset. Unfortunately it didn't reinstall and I've been unable to resintall it manually. I've been using a...
  4. J

    Ethernet only works if i enter url, but doesn't work if i enter a searchname in browser, discord and other programs also don't work

    None of the programs can't connect to the internet except if i manually enter the url of a website in a browser, and it can playback 4k no problem, any idea whats's wrong?, same on linux video for evidence