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  1. bruh11

    Help! New 8TB hard disk not being initialized.

    Hey guys, I made my PC a year ago and it runs great. I had purchased a 4TB Toshiba X300 internal HDD for it and it works flawlessly. Recently I decided to add a new HDD in addition and went for 3.5'' Toshiba X300 8TB. But the problem is that my PC is not picking it up. It is being shown as...
  2. H

    Red Down Arrow Icon on hard drive

    As you guys can see, there is a red icon above "Disk 1". It's causing problems. How can I fix this. Please help.
  3. mapsk

    Can't inizitalize my SSD

    Hi, I bought a gigabyte ssd but I can't initialize it. When I try to do nothing happens. Also try the EaseUS Partition Manager, but the same thing happens (i hope spanish is not a problem).