dram led

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  1. B

    Pc wont post

    I finished assembling my pc August 21st 2020 up until last week it ran flawlessly without issue. Last week my computer randomly shut off during a fairly low load(I was only watching YouTube on a 2nd monitor). Upon rebooting it my pc wouldn't post and my ez debug light was lit up indicating the...
  2. R

    PC Only Boots With One Stick of RAM

    Hey everyone, hope you're all well. I built my first PC the other day, and it only boots when one stick of RAM (16GB) is installed, other then that it runs perfectly. When I try booting with two sticks of ram (2 x 16GB), the CPU and DRAM LEDs on the motherboard flash. I've tried reseating...
  3. K

    Solved PC won't boot, Dram led red

    Hey guys! After a fire in my apartment I had to rebuild my PC. Fortunately only the case suffered, I tested the HD and the SSD at a friend's and both are perfectly fine. I bought a new case and a new PSU (just to be sure), and after rebuilding the whole thing, the PC won't work. At first, it...