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  1. Scott Hinchcliffe

    Can’t run my pc?

    I recently turned of my Pc while it said don’t turn off. It would start to load on(show the logo) and then turn off and repeat. We got it into a mode that had many options. The top right id the screen said BIOS 4 we changed some settings off things online and nothing happened. We reset the pc...
  2. D

    pixelated/shimmering/jittery textures in EVERY game I play. Please help. [Examples provided]

    In every game I play the textures/visuals in the distance all have this shimmering/TV static effect on them and you can even see this in close distances if you look hard enough. I have been trying to fix this for a week by now and I cannot find anything that would fix this. You may want to...
  3. K

    Is this PC good?

    Hi, I want to buy a computer and wanted to ask whether these components fit or should something be changed here? And will this machine run quietly and cool? I will play games on ultra and 2k monitor!
  4. J

    Custom HDD Eraser Build

    Looking for help or advice on building a device/devices that can erase multiple SATA, SAS, USB, etc. devices at the same time. Looking to build or create a system that can run Blancco or Kill Disk to securely erase multiple HDDs at a time. Something similar to the attached image apart from this...
  5. Leemohh

    PC Skips / Mouse goes in different position intermittently

    Hello, I am running a RTX 3070, with 32gb Ram, And an Intel I7-10700kf i believe. With a 144hz monitor through Display Port. Wireless Logitech Mouse. A couple weeks ago, suddenly one day my PC was running extremely slow, Nothing seemed to fix it. I did a fresh install of windows, updated all...
  6. N

    Router as extender or how to extend WiFi

    Router as extender or how to extend WiFi Hi, please give me a tip how to extend WiFi network that is open , but when you connect to open WiFi ,it requires sing in . I tried to use Tplink Ac750 as extender option, I setup it but when I connect to the router wife with my phone I can't reach this...
  7. Logan Gregory

    Solved Can install window 10

    I built a new computer using a old hard drive and old ram, the rest of the parts are new, when I got it together and powered it up I couldn’t get past the error your pc needs to be repaired screen, I downloaded windows media to flash drive and selected it the bios and that got me to the windows...
  8. Alex Nicholson

    Games failing to launch

    Hey everyone! Hope y’all can help. And before you ask I’m pretty experienced building pc’s so I’ve done some troubleshooting already. Specs: -ryzen 9 5600x -32gb team group Vulcan RAM <@!734957228489965619>00mhz -rtx 3060 12gb -B450 tomahawk max My issue: I just installed my new processor (not...
  9. Will Smith

    DDR4 #1 Slot On Motherboard Not Functioning.

    - I have an H130M A Motherboard, which of which I recently changed the cpu. Before, the ram slot was working, but after I changed it, the ram slot does not work. No matter what I do: I've tried clearing the CMOS, I've tried different ram, and a different cpu. The computer only boots if I use the...
  10. Vanish_gold16

    Solved Distortion of graphics + dots on the monitor. What to do?

    Hello everyone! I recently downloaded a game called Detroit: Become Human. I go and here it is! I play for a couple of minutes, then the graphics start to squint, the whole screen turns red and multi-colored dots run across the dial. Other games don't have this, so the monitor isn't the problem...
  11. MinkIsVibing

    Pc turn off and on then fans start spinning really fast without display

    Hello hopefully someone can help. I was playing Minecraft when then my pc turned off then turned on but without display and case fans started spinning really fast. I opened the back of the pc and looked if everything was connected then the fans stoped spinning fast and it booted with display...
  12. gligaa

    Solved I am buying a new computer, and I am wondering if this PC is good or not

    Hello, since my last PC broke down I finally got enough money to buy a new one, and I think I found a good PC for a fairly cheap price. I need this PC for video games such as Minecraft, CS:GO, etc. ( nothing too needy) Here are the specifications of the computer Im buying: OS: Windows 7...
  13. IHangGolems

    New psu fix fried motherboard?

    My motherboard recently fried and I replaced it with a new one and a less demanding cpu. I was wondering if the reason for the motherboard frying would be that the power supply isnt giving enough power for the system or maybe that the cpu was too powerful for the cpu cooler??
  14. P

    Newly Built PC turns on but won't POST

    I just built a new PC but I can't get the POST screen for some reason. No signal on monitor. When I turn it on, everything lights up. Case fans are lighting up and spinning, Ram sticks are lighting up, motherboard is lighting up. Every fan that is in my PC is spinning, except for the power...
  15. nnl9

    Ram speed not running as fast as advertised.

    So I bought some ram off amazon, here is the link: it has 3600 advertised speed but it is running at 2666 mhz. I've gone into bios to see if I could change it and which I did and my computer wouldn't...
  16. Lucasisfilming

    No video signal after RAM unplug and plug in

    While clearing out the dust from my PC, I took out my 2 DDR4 8gb RAM sticks and pushed them back in until I heard a click and checked to make sure they were pushed in as good as they could be. When I connected my DVI cord back to my monitor, my screen showed “no input”. Help! This PC is only a...
  17. L

    good internet slow on computer?

    I have decent wifi but discord calls and videogames are unusable. discord calls will cut out on both ends. whenever I play any online game I get rubber banding and lag spikes. i tested the wifi speeds and the results were: 39ms ping, 34.4Mbps download, 7.48Mbps upload. the internet runs a little...
  18. Boby4a

    Asrock motherboard problem

    Hi I have I problem with my pc . My computer works well for about an hour after that the monitor and the keyboard act like there isn't connection with the pc but the I still hear the pc fans running. Then I restart the pc and the monitor and keyboard act like there isn't connection again. Can...
  19. T

    Solved Can’t figure out where to plug in front panel headers

    I’m new to building PCs and I’ve been building mine while watching YouTube tutorials but I got stuck once I found that my front panel headers were one small individual cord (see picture) I know where to plug them into motherboard but not where to plug the other side (4 pins on one row, 2 on...
  20. T

    internet works, but on some app it doesnt correctly

    i really need help asap, the programs i want to use it not working at all