call of duty

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  1. Jorgen Leif

    COD MWIII And Other CODS Run Bad

    Hello, I have a 4060 ti, ryzen 7 3700x, and 32 gigs of ram. My pc should be more than enough to run COD but even after upgrading from a 2060 and 16 gigs of ram I've been having the same problems since forever ago with all of the cod games, which is constant stuttering and fps drops no matter the...
  2. NotLance

    Blizzard/COD Crashing, GPU Issues

    1/4/21 - Noticed that Nvidia had released a new driver about a month ago and decided to update everything Updated, rebooted, relaunched Cold War to get the shaders reinstalled Saw my frames drop from 144 fps down to 5-12 fps, and then ultimately the game crashed Launched Warzone/Modern Warfare...
  3. sleeppyy

    All my Games lag

    I have COD MW and Apex legends as games and although i have 280 mbps download speed and 12 upload i get teleported through the map. My graphics card driver is updated and while I run the games Im using 10gb of ram. My SSD isnt full either..Can anyone Help?