boot problem

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  1. T

    Solved Slow boot on new computer

    Hello all, I recently built my second computer and it takes on average 65 seconds to boot (according to the Task Manager's Startup tab), 54 seconds of which the motherboard's yellow (orange?) light stays lit (no blinking, just a solid light). Given that my previous nine year old computer still...
  2. S

    Black screen after instaling ssd

    I have a Dell XP5 2710, which had an HDD installed. Sometimes the PC would not turn on at all, just a black screen, but the fans would run. Sometimes it would run normally. Today I installed an SSD and plugged in a Windows USB, but now I only get a black screen with the fans running. When I...
  3. F

    Solved PC turns on but no display or signal

    Hello, i know that this problem has been asked millions of times, but I've tried every solution i could find online and still ended up with nothing. A while back i had posted a thread explaining that my PC turned on without the cpu conector plugged after my psu died. We ended up that the...
  4. Elyes

    Boot problem when trying to reset laptop and then white screen when I try to use Safe mode

    Hi everyone! I was trying to reset my laptop (with the reset tool in the windows 10 update settings), but after I did so, I couldn't get past the welcome screen saying that it couldn't connect to the server. I tried to follow some youtube tutorials, but to no avail. While doing so, I tried...
  5. A Random Weeb

    PC not booting/boot looping when a hard drive is connected

    I've recently bought a second hand hard drive off of a local online store and now that I've installed it to my PC, the PC won't start unless I disconnect the drive from SATA. After about 5-8 restarts I got into my PC and HDD Sentinel found the drive and it had about 2300 days of up-time and 93%...
  6. P

    Windows 10 Successful Boot Happens Randomly

    Good day! I have been experiencing a problem with my computer for quite some time now. I want to make a reservation right away that the computer was assembled recently, all the components are relatively new (bought in the beginning of this year), and the diagnostics of its individual parts with...