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  • Hello everyone We want to personally apologize to everyone for the downtime that we've experienced. We are working to get everything back up as quickly as possible. Due to the issues we've had, your password will need to be reset. Please click the button that says "Forgot Your Password" and change it. We are working to have things back to normal. Emails are fixed and should now send properly. Thank you all for your patience. Thanks, PCHF Management
  1. A

    BSoD on ASWMBR scan in normal and safe mode in Win 10 Compaq Desktop PC

    Hi all helpers and Malnutrition, i can't uninstall Ad-Aware and Comodo, my computer have 100% on CPU, in normal and safe modes on introduction of my disinfection topic for my usb sardu/xubuntu/ubuntu mate/samsung fit, cyberlink power2go 11 and windows store here...