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In Progress Valorant Frames in March of this year were 400-500, now they are at 5-10, with a freeze every 4-5 seconds.

I have not changed any parts in my computer, I run a 1650 GTX and an Intel Core I5-9400 as my cpu. Around a couple months ago, I was running Valorant at 340-500 FPS constant, with no hicups or breaks, now when I boot up the game, I have to wait 10 minutes to several HOURS for valorant to boot up. Its even worse in matchmaking. 3 of the last 3 games Ive played, ive fully sat out in the loading screen for over 45 minutes to just be hit with a penalty. I genuinely dont know whats happening, there is NO dust in my computer or any grime in the fans, it is always at 40-50 degrees, which its max is 72, while using maybe 5-6 gigs of its 32gb ram. Its not overheating and I am very confused