Upgrade PSU and add on video card

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PCHF Member
Feb 23, 2017
So I recently posted here about my pc having display issues... seemed to have identified the issue (poor choice of PSU) but now my PSU seems to have completely stopped working 🙁

So I thought I would make a new post asking you guys for some advice on which PSU and graphics card to buy 🙂

Currently I have:
PSU: G7 780W
GC: AMD Radeon 7700 2GB

I have been looking at the ASUS NVIDEA GeForce dual GTX 1060 6GB for my video card but need to make sure that firstly I get a PSU that is capable to running it properly and also that it is value for money! 🙂

Hope you guys are able to spare a bit of wisdom to help me out 🙂
Cheers 🙂
Hello again Mark,

I have been looking at the ASUS NVIDEA GeForce dual GTX 1060 6GB for my video card but need to make sure that firstly I get a PSU that is capable to running it properly and also that it is value for money! 🙂

Can I just make sure that the example card that I used in your thread here was not taken to be a recommendation as to what you should purchase, reason why I ask is because we would need to know what the main use of the computer will be, if gaming the card would be fine but if only for office type use it would me massive overkill both performance and cost wise.
No it wasn't lol I had looked it up the night before I say your post 🙂
And I do both so usually just look for gaming specs 🙂
These are my (potentially poor) first thoughts on MB, video card and processor... let me know if I have missed anything essential lol

MB: ASUS Maximus VIII Hero
Video card: ASUS NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB ROG STRIX GDDR5
Processor: Intel Core i7 Quad-Core i7-6700 3.4GHz
The CPU is massive overkill and expense if only for gaming, the MB and GPU are ok if your preference but you may be able to do better for less financial outlay.

You may want to hold off on any upgrades until you sort out the issue/s in your tech related thread, if not, let us know and we can look for some alternative upgrade options for you.
Just posted on the other thread and I think I may just cut the losses and just buy new at least if I do it right this time I hopefully will just be able to upgrade every now and then instead of having it die on me haha
I had my suspicions about the CPU being too much but thought I would prefer overkill to not enough lol
Massive overkill though is bad haha what would you suggest?
Took the liberty of copy/pasting the following info from your previous thread and will add some comments below them for you to consider, your present MB and PSU not mentioned due to the ongoing tech related issue you are having;

Processor: Intel(R) Core i5-3570k CPU 3.40GHz
Operating System: Windows 10

Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 7700

If you wish to reuse the the present RAM you will be restricting your upgrade options to DDR3 technology as it is not compatible with the latest DDR4 spec MBs and CPUs.
Unless the Windows 10 product presently in use is the full retail type you may need to purchase a new product key from Microsoft, I say may and the reason why is explained in my canned text below;

Just a cautionary note, unless your OS disk is the full retail edition you cannot use it with a new MB as an OEM disk is tied to the original MB it was paired with, to use an OEM disk with a new MB is software piracy and therefore illegal.
Exceptions to the above are 1: If your MB is replaced under warranty and 2: If your MB is replaced out of warranty with an alternative type but same brand due to the original model no longer being available, an upgraded MB however will require the purchase of a new OS licence.
If you have a full retail disk and a product key that is not in use on another computer the OEM restriction/s is/are not the same.
Didn't realise that about those so cheers for the catch lol
RAM I will maybe look into a little later... probably next pay day lol the OS I'll just get new again 🙂
Thanks 🙂
Let us know when you would like some components suggesting, no point in doing it until the nearer the time that you are ready to purchase as prices are changing all of the time.

You are welcome btw 🙂
I am ready to buy as soon as it's all planned and you guys say it won't blow up on me haha also I got about a budget of say 600 but if it will significantly be better than can go up to 900ish 🙂 just to give an idea of what I'm working with 🙂
Got 40 mins or so before I head back to work so will put you a list of parts together, one suggestion that I would make is that if at all possible stick with an ASUS MB, you can then hopefully avoid having to purchase a new OS product key if you need to contact Microsoft and explain that your present ASUS MB has failed.
Fair point... I suppose then I would e ideally looking for a PSU that will run both what I have and what I may need to get then just to make things more difficult lol
I have had a look on the site and put in everything I have etc...
The best ones for me I can see are:
Antec EA-450
Rosewill fortress-450
No worries 👍

The PSU guidance links are something that I have carried with me and passed on to others over the years, please take the time to have a look, some of the info is quite eye opening.
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