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Trouble using Japanese Retail Website: ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key

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Filled out a form on a Japanese Retail Store website to contact them and couldn't send the message. Message just hung up all day. I think the connection is secure (icon next to Firefox address bar does not have a slash thru it so I think connection is secure). That Firefox icon says it is blocking trackers and cookies on the website and "Enhanced Tracking Protection" is "On". And got message in bottom corner of website saying "ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key".
I'm using up-to-date Firefox browser, Windows 10 and Windows Defender Firewall.
(I tried suing Windows Edge browser and it said connection was insecure so I followed steps to connect to it like changing Privacy settings and switching to a Private Window but connection was still insecure.)
And I went to the Japan Store Facebook page and tried translating the Japanese using Firefox and got an error message from Facebook telling me I was blocked. I don't know how to contact them on Facebook. I looked under "Support" on their Facebook page and couldn't find any contact information.
What else can I do to try and use this Japanese website? (Note: website does not have an email address listed anywhere.)
What is the URL to this Japanese site?
Did you trying disabling your Firefox extensions?
In Firefox Settings, go to Privacy & Security and turn off HTTPS-Only mode. If no help, turn it back on.
Lastly, try Chrome.
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It's a guitar retail website for Asturias Guitars. Asturias Guitars has the inquiry link to Rokkomann Shop Japan on their website which are both above.
(Neither Asturias Guitars or Rokkomann Shop have email addresses listed on their websites which is frustrating. Rokkomann has a phone number for their shop but I don't speak Japanese!) I managed to translate Rokkomann website to English in Firefox and Chrome.
I didn't turn off my Firefox uBlock addon (that's the only addon I have besides a Translation addon) but I did disable uBlock for Rokkomann Shop website.
I went to library and used computer and Chrome and went to Rokkomann website and tried to send an inquiry and I'm pretty sure the submital was successful the 1st time. I tried 4 other times and Chrome said the website was not secure. So I troubleshooted in Chrome and added https:// before the website address and got an error message from Chrome (forgot what error message said).
I haven't tried turning off HTTPS-Only mode in Firefox yet. I'll do that tomorrow.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Hmmm... they don't seem to be the best designed webpages.
Seems they are not trying to attract overseas sales, just locally getting their name out their and expecting phone call orders.
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