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Solved Tried to restore my laptop, says no bootable device

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I'm a complete PC noob, its telling me to insert boot disk, my laptop doesn't have a disc drive.

Laptop got a virus that wouldn't let me use my windows bar so I tried to factory reset it and now it says no bootable device. Any noob-friendly advice on how I can fix this?
It sounds like the Operating System (OS) got erased when you did a factory reset.

You'll most likely need to re-install Windows 7 (or Windows 10 if you're able to download a Windows 10 ISO image and install it to a USB drive). Since your computer doesn't have a DVD/CD drive, a USB boot would be your only option.

If you have a spare computer, Microsoft has a creation tool that'll help you with getting a USB boot device created. Simply go here and follow the instructions :)
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