Storage space on computer hard drive.

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PCHF Member
May 5, 2024

I am trying to find what’s taking up most of the storage space on my laptop. There is only 1 GBs of space remaining. After initial setup of the system a few years ago there was 475 GB available.

At present, In ‘storage details’ under ‘system settings’, after adding up storage amount of installed apps and other files, the total amounts to 110GB only.

Out of this, 12GB is in installed apps and 77GB my own saved files…(the remainder being other files and temporary files). From the 110GB to 485GB, under this setting, I am unable to see amounts for any other files taking up the rest of the storage space

Any advice how to find what’s taking up all the remaining space would be appreciated.

system details:

Name: HP Envy
Internal Drive: 500 GB (1GB available)
Win: 11 Home


How big is the drive? Windows + the cumulative updates will quickly fill a small (500Gb or less) drive.
Also have you run disk cleanup from Storage space or via right click on the drive?
Other than this try scanning for malware using MalwareBytes (ensure scan for rootkits is enabled) & also run AdwCleaner from the same company.
Malwarebytes is installed on the system and scans daily, so I’m thinking its something else. like windows updates or,..maybe something to do with browser programs? Yes the drive is 500GB.

Is there a way to find storage space of these and if so delete the uneccessary windows update programs?

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