Random black screen while audio playing in background

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PCHF Member
Jun 28, 2020
Hi guys,
I am having this weird issue where my screen goes black randomly anytime with audio playing in background. It could happen every 5 mins or won't happen at all. All I do is re-start monitor and it comes back on. It started with graphic intensive games and now it just happens anytime. ALSO, there are times when push the CPU power button and it does not work. I have to re-power CPU and do it again. I feel these two issues are connected. Tried changing power plugs, no issues with that.

CPU: Intel i5 6600K
GPU: Asus GTX 970
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 8GB DDR4 2400MHz
MOBO: Gigabyte H110M-S2
PSU: Corsair CX600
SSD: Kingston UV300 120GB

Any help would be highly appreciated.
Hello punyanishivam,

PSU: Corsair CX600
Corsair normally make good PSUs but they got it wrong with the CX 600 and it had such a bad rep that they discontinued it, in addition to this the CX range are not meant to be used on anything more than entry level desktops, Corsair do actually state the following;

CX Series power supply units are an excellent choice for basic system builds and desktop PC computer upgrades, offering high reliability and low noise.

Try removing the add on video card from the motherboard and hooking your screen up to the video port on the MB and see how that goes.

ALSO, there are times when push the CPU power button and it does not work. I have to re-power CPU and do it again.
That would be the case power button, the processor is the only CPU present.
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