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In Progress Ram Stick Usage

Hi there,
My PC keeps restarting when running heavy intensive games but runs less intensive games really fine. I run two 16gb ram stick and wanted know if a game that only requires 8 GB, will it spread the load across both ram sticks or will it run off one. I believe I could have a faulty ram stick causing my pc to crash when I run a more heavily intensive game.
Hey Veeg
Hi, i was gaming for a couple hours the other day on my PC, i was in a game just about to finished, however my pc suddenly restarted and whenever i try to launch the game now it black screens and restarts my pc.

I have tried switching GPU's all brand new and still nothing, other games run fine but now all games which are intensive seem to crash my pc. Do you have any idea what could be causing this.

I can run games like DC Universe, League of legends but now all the demanding games like PUBG, ARK and Fortnight all crash my pc on launch restarting it.

Im not quite sure what could have component could have been damaged that day as the pc was pretty hot and now doesn't run most of the intensive games, however less intensive games which require a lot less ram, run very well with good graphics.

Does anyone have any suggestions as im not quite sure what component could have been damaged by over heating whether RAM, PSU or Motherboard.

Pc Specs

Asus Z490 A Prime

I7 10700k

1650 super

32gb 2x16 Ram Sticks

650Watts 80 gold Psu
3tb of storage/ all game are on the same disk so i not a faulty drive as the less intensive ones work

Thanks for the reply this is a post i left somewhere else hoping for some enlightening responses :)))))
this is a post i left somewhere else hoping for some enlightening responses :)))))

I replied to you here

We are always happy to help when we can but we cannot safely do so if you are already receiving assistance on any other forum, doing so may lead to confusion as to whose and what guidance you are following which can be both dangerous and costly, decide on which forum you wish to continue and as a courtesy let the other/s know that assistance is no longer required.

Thank you for your understanding.
I came to your website for some advice on my situation otherwise I wouldn't have posted. It's nice to see you reply quick but no suggestions or help where offered. So your conclusions and assumptions have been nothing but confusing.
I will be removing myself from this account as it's been completely and utterly useless regarding the problem in which I seeked help for.