Solved PSU fan hasn't been spinning for a long long time.

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PCHF Member
Sep 30, 2024
Hi everyone. I recently discovered that some piece of plastic was stopping my psu fan from spinning. I have no idea since when. Could've been from months to even years and I can't afford a new psu currently. I just pulled the plastic and it started spinning right back up. I never noticed any signs of change the computer always ran perfect.

My question is. Is this psu still safe to use. Did the heat damage it and it's just destined to fry everything or am I fine?

If it was going to pop it would have done by now so two things to consider, it may be a recent thing and what is the brand and model name or number of the PSU.
This most likely a recent thing as the PSU was aimed at the budget market and so did not come with all the bells and whistles that the likes of Corsair and Seasonic came with, it is old though so think about a replacement but unless your PC starts black screening or restarting you only need to keep a check on your temps.
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