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Problem transfered from old PC to new PC : unresponive on boot.

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So I bought a new PC this week and I can't believe that the problem I had is on this one as well.

Both on my old and new PC here's the problem :

I boot my PC, enter my password, and for 2/3 seconds everything is fine. Then, all my icons, the taskbar and pretty much everything else becomes unresponsive. Clicking on any of these won't do anything.

The solution is ridiculously simple : I just click CTRL + ALT + DEL and nothing else. Just that and then press ESC again, I don't actually do anything else.

Then, my PC works perfectly fine again. The problem only occurs again on this session when gaming and minimizing the gaming screen to windows. That's the only situation.
So I bought a new PC this week and I can't believe that the problem I had is on this one as well.
Contact them and file a warranty claim.

Some of the things that we will have you do will VOID any warranty on that system. Will be limited what we can do to prevent that from happening.

What was the old systems specs?
What are the new system specs?

Problem transfered from old PC to new PC : unresponive on boot.

be more specific as to what transferred and how.
did you use the new PC straight out of the box, before installing any of your software or devices, and the problem was happening then?

or did it only start happening after a reboot when you started installing your stuff?
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