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PC Does Not Display Video

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PCHF Member
Sep 1, 2022
I know this is a pretty common problem here but after contacting Redux I still haven't received any help with my troubleshooting. I purchased a PC from Redux and after setting everything up my monitor simply doesn't receive video from my PC. To confirm this I connected my monitor to my gaming laptop and my monitor instantly displayed what my laptop was showing. So my HDMI cable is fine, my monitor is fine, and I'm not really sure where to go from here. I made sure my HDD is actually connected, I tried every single port my 3070 ti has even DisplayPorts, my RAM is in place and set to Dual Channel, it looks like everything SHOULD work except it just doesn't send video. Even my 3070 ti turns on, fans, lights, everything. Is there anything else I can do?

Windows 11
i5-12400F 6 Cores
700W ATX 80+ Gold from EVGA
8GB 3070 ti from Gigabyte
212 EVO
ASUS Prime B660M-A Motherboard
so this PC is brand new?
who built the machine?
what is the warranty conditions, that is, are you allowed to work on your PC to try to fix this issue?

let's cross out the dumb stuff first...
you have the monitor cable going to the 3070 ports and NOT to the motherboard ports?
the memory is compatible with the motherboard?
so this PC is brand new?
who built the machine?
what is the warranty conditions, that is, are you allowed to work on your PC to try to fix this issue?

let's cross out the dumb stuff first...
you have the monitor cable going to the 3070 ports and NOT to the motherboard ports?
the memory is compatible with the motherboard?
Brand new, just received from Redux. Apparently they do testing themselves to make sure the PC actually works and they even stress test it as well. So I'm not sure how this PC doesn't even display video. I did not build it myself, Redux PCs did. I can work on it myself as long as I don't damage any parts or scuff it up. This isn't my first time cracking open a PC so I can definitely manage to keep the warranty intact. The monitor cable is going to the 3070 ports, not the motherboard. The 12400F Does not have integrated graphics. And yes the memory is compatible for sure.
Never worked once delivered, I'm not sure if this helps or not, however I went on vacation for about a month before I even opened the box. It was just sitting in my room never opened.
so basically it was dead on arrival.
definitely a warrant job and needs to be returned.
on their website; https://buildredux.com/policies/refund-policy they say they have a 30 day return policy which you have now missed but you'll still be covered by warranty.
that page has a email to send questions to - have you tried that, and/or phoning them?

otherwise, if you want to start tackling this yourself, I would be starting by re-assembling all the components from the case on to a piece a cardboard somewhere, taking the time as you rebuild to check connections, and CPU, RAM and GPU seating.

only use one memory stick, don't worry about case fans, only assemble the core essentials - so no DVD unit if there is one, only the boot drive, that sort of thing.
Is this really considered DOA? Everything turns on and works perfectly fine. It's simply not transmitting video to the monitor. As I said, fans work, GPU fans spin and the lights turn on. I wouldn't consider this DOA, but I'm not sure
Is this really considered DOA? Everything turns on and works perfectly fine. It's simply not transmitting video to the monitor. As I said, fans work, GPU fans spin and the lights turn on. I wouldn't consider this DOA, but I'm not sure
Just an addition to this, I really don't know if it matters, but two things happen when I turn the system on. My power button blinks RAPIDLY and then after seconds it turns into a slow blink constantly. Secondly, whenever I have my GPU unplugged my keyboard will turn on and light up, but when I reconnect my GPU my keyboard will refuse to turn on no matter what. I simply don't understand what's going on.
you're right - not DOA per say.
but as a new purchase, to unbox it and have it simply not work - that's DOA for the Ma's & Pa's out there who would have no clue how to proceed from there.

I'd be proceeding with the re-assembling of the components on to another surface if it was mine and I was half-way handy with a screwdriver.
if I was a complete noob, I'd simply re-box it, and be sending it back with an RMA form.
What are you using for a screen.

Do you get any on screen message at all.

Can you take a picture of the back of the PC with everything hooked up then upload the pic for us, save it as a jpeg else it may be too big to upload.
What are you using for a screen.

Do you get any on screen message at all.

Can you take a picture of the back of the PC with everything hooked up then upload the pic for us, save it as a jpeg else it may be too big to upload.
My monitor is ASUS's VG27W, 165 HZ 1440p. The screen message says "HDMI No Signal" and same message for display port as well. I took an image of all sides of the PC cause why not. There's a blue LED on my fan hub... could that be a sign of something wrong? I know there's colored error codes on some hardware but I can't see a reason of why it would be on my fan hub of all places.


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The screen message says "HDMI No Signal" and same message for display port as well. I

That normally suggests that there is a problem with the source of the video or the cable that is carrying the said video signal.

ASUS's VG27W, 165 HZ 1440p

Dedicated PC screen which rules out needing to manually select the video source.

I could be wrong but in your second picture it looks like only the one 8 pin connecter is hooked up to the GPU when there should be two of them connected.

Question for you, what are the two USB devices that we can see are connected in your first picture.
That normally suggests that there is a problem with the source of the video or the cable that is carrying the said video signal.

Dedicated PC screen which rules out needing to manually select the video source.

I could be wrong but in your second picture it looks like only the one 8 pin connecter is hooked up to the GPU when there should be two of them connected.

Question for you, what are the two USB devices that we can see are connected in your first picture.
The two USB devices is actually just one, my mechanical keyboard has two USB connectors. And I made sure both 8 pin connectors were firmly plugged into the GPU. I also tried resetting the CMOS battery by using a screwdriver on the motherboard's cmos clearer but still not receiving any video.
Looks like an RMA is in order as everything looks to be connected as it should be.

I also tried resetting the CMOS battery by using a screwdriver on the motherboard's cmos clearer

You 200%+ should not have done this but instead followed the exact steps below;

1st, disconnect the power cord from the wall socket, press the case power button for twenty seconds or so to get rid of any residual charge in the system, take anti static precautions before touching anything inside, you can do this by touching a bare metal part of the case or PSU or if a notebook by touching a household radiator or associated copper feed pipe.

Having checked a diagram of the MB I did not see any clear CMOS header so you may well have killed one or more components :(
Looks like an RMA is in order as everything looks to be connected as it should be.

You 200%+ should not have done this but instead followed the exact steps below;

Having checked a diagram of the MB I did not see any clear CMOS header so you may well have killed one or more components :(
There is most definitely a clear cmos header, I'm looking at the manual that was provided right now.
See a clear RTC but regardless of this no way should a screwdriver be used anywhere near hardware that is under any warranty, your warranty is now null & void Im afraid 🙁

Try doing the steps as post in my reply #14, if no change, find a reputable tech local to you & have them test the PC for you.

Other than the above you are looking at an RMA & hoping that the warranty gets honoured.
they would be the logical path to proceed with.
keep us posted. :)
Hello just an update, I have decided to take what I have currently and replace the parts I suspect to be the issue. Starting with the motherboard. I haven't received any help from Redux so I'm starting with a critical piece of hardware such as the motherboard and slowly going from there. I was deciding on just buying parts and building a new PC myself but this is the most cost-effective way to root out the problem without completely wasting my money. The reason why I'm starting with the motherboard is because I'm not even able to get into BIOS at all and I'm not receiving a prompt to do so either. If my logic is flawed I would appreciate any feedback at all. Also I made sure my motherboard was compatible with every other piece of hardware so no worries there.
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