Over Current USB problem

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PCHF Member
Jul 15, 2020
Hi all!
I've been getting this error message when turning on my PC. I first encountered it last Thursday, after which I brought it in to a local repair shop. They took a look and found nothing, but replaced my harddrive with a SSD. When I brought it home on Monday, it was stuck in a BIOS loop that I couldn't get out of. When I turned it on the next day, I had this same error message again.
Once again brought it into the repair shop. They encountered no problems and cleaned things out on the inside and made sure everything was securely in place. Said it was running fine. Again, took it home today and here I am again with this error message. The only thing I have plugged in is the power cord and my monitor.

What should I do? Why would this happen only while I'm at home and not at the repair shop?
What do you have connected to the USB ports?

Disconnect everything form the USB ports and boot.

Shut Down then try it with the mouse only.

Is it works then try it with just the keyboard.

Shut down then try it with keyboard and mouse.
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