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Only 1 of my monitors working after having 2 working for years.

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The other day my primary monitor randomly disconnected from my pc. Obviously the first thing I did was check all the cables and they were all fine. Then I checked the GPU ports by swapping the HDMI for the DP and low an behold the working monitor swapped, and now my primary monitor was working and my secondary wasn't. So this leads me to think I need a new GPU, (I have a gtx1050ti, so very old anyway) -- but I don't know as if it is that easy...

I went away for the weekend with my family and had my PC setup fully switched off at the wall outlet for the time we were away. When I got back Sunday evening: I booted my PC and had both my monitors work perfectly normally like nothing ever happened. And then this morning (Monday 17th) I booted my PC after waking up and the same issue was back - my secondary monitor is not working like before. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to this issue as sometimes my second monitor works and my primary doesn't, and vice versa.

So my current plan, if no one has any ideas, is to buy a new GPU. I have always kept on top of drivers for my PC and have been generally pretty good with general Pc health so I think it could just be an issue of age. ANY HELP GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!

Things I've tried:

1) Tried new cables (HDMI and Display Port) in place of the ones that I have been using.
2) All GPU drivers up to date and installed correctly.
3) Checked both monitors work with external inputs (PS4 works on BOTH monitors).
4) Reset the CMOS.

Thanks in advance.
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